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Write 3 page essay on the topic About a Character analysis of a story.ier returning home, after seeing the heroism as well as the cruelties of the war, can never be the same, as it is when he takes th

Write 3 page essay on the topic About a Character analysis of a story.

ier returning home, after seeing the heroism as well as the cruelties of the war, can never be the same, as it is when he takes the first drill for being inducted into the army.

Hemingway writes, “The men from the town who had been drafted had all been welcomed elaborately on their return. There had been a great deal of hysteria. Now the reaction had set in. People seemed to think it was rather ridiculous for Krebs to be getting back so late, years after the war was over.” (nexus learning)He now finds the assimilation into the society difficult, and there are several unexplainable psychological barricades in his mind. A reader would expect that life in the Marines is tough than the life in the normal society. With Hemingway’s characterization, it is the other way. The domestic lifestyle looks complicated to Krebs. Hemingway writes “Krebs found that to be listened to at all he had to lie, and after he had done this twice him, too, had a reaction against the war and against talking about it. A distaste for everything that had happened to him in the war set in because of the lies he had told.” (nexus learning)The process of inner change had begun in him.

Krebs withdraws from the ‘civil’ society and develops the attitudes of a loner. He feels the void within his inner world. In the post-war society that he is trying to adjust, he finds women and love as issues that relate to certain procedures. American relationships counted on consequences. But he loved obligation-free relationships. Howsoever cleverly an author may try to avoid, some revelation about the personal life and experiences does reflect in the stories emerging from his pen. Mind and the pen of the authors are connected by a wireless circuit as if! According to Hemingway one has to live true to one’s belief system, though it is not acceptable from the societal norms. His protagonists are not afraid to wage a ‘losing’ battle in life. Hemingway calls it “grace under pressure.”


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