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Write 3 page essay on the topic Faith and The Good Thing through the lense of Magical realism by H. Martin- The book of Writing between cultures.Just like Henry Ford’s famous quotation which states

Write 3 page essay on the topic Faith and The Good Thing through the lense of Magical realism by H. Martin- The book of Writing between cultures.

Just like Henry Ford’s famous quotation which states that if you think you could do a thing or not, you are right.

The good thing happened when a character in the story failed to commit suicide. He purchased an economy bottle of rat poison, a long rope, an old .45, and a gallon of kerosene. He tied himself to a rope, drenched himself in kerosene, drank the rat poison, and aimed the gun right on his head to shoot his brain. As he pulled the trigger, The Good Thing happened. Instead of blowing his brain off, the bullet cut the rope, making him fall into the river, extinguishing the fire brought by the kerosene and the gun shot. After the river filled his lungs with water, he gagged up all the rat poison he swallowed. And that is the power of The Good Thing.

In Charles Johnson’s fiction, Faith and The Good Thing, the lines uttered by the characters were written in an African-American style of language. That is, applying Holly Martin’s theory of magical realism—a mode of writing that is especially suited to multicultural works. The author is African-American, writing for a broad spectrum of audiences.

The language he used signifies the convergence between two cultures, that is, his being African-American and the world of his audiences. Johnson used the theory of collective assemblage of enunciation, as stated in Martin’s Writing Between Cultures. He used his language in order to represent not himself, but the group he belongs to. The multicultural struggle present in the making of the fiction occurs naturally for those who need to reconcile living in two different cultures, such as Johnson. The need for reading Martin’s Magical Realism, is indeed a necessity in order for the readers to know and to think what the author, Johnson, means in his fiction. He also used some mathematical equation to represent the number of paths a person could or might take in order to find The Good Thing, which could only be found

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