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Write 3 page essay on the topic GPS navegation.Dr. Ivan came up with position finding system that relied on the time difference and construction of vehicles that used satellites for navigation.Profess
Write 3 page essay on the topic GPS navegation.
Dr. Ivan came up with position finding system that relied on the time difference and construction of vehicles that used satellites for navigation.
Professor Bradford Parkinson served in the navy under the air force wing. He was the manager for NAVSTAR GPS programs and would be perceived as the father of GPS (Parry, 2010). Not only did Bradford contribute in the air force navigation programs, but also handled research that led to the improvement of GPS used in the world today. On the other hand, Roger L. Easton had profound experience in spacecraft tracking and time. Roger offered his prowess in navigation technology and potential of satellite use in time travel. He also came up with theories and calculations that led to the launch of the first satellite manned with GPS. Roger involvement in the construction of time-based position vehicles and devices became of great use in the military. The creation of the three men and input of technicians gave rise to a component that has changed lives today.
GPS became a critical tool in the military force, and that changed the security manning strategies (El-Rabbany, 2002). People started for feel that the military had gained necessary tools to fight menaces across the border and keep track of events that were potential threats to homeland security. Roger, Bradford, and Ivan had intended to give the military exclusive ownership to GPS to enable them hunt and track security-related concerns. However, GPS became beneficial to individuals and corporations. The NAVSTAR program gave the military of United States a fighting edge against the Soviet Union that has launched spacecraft. Air force gained a tool that could be used for accurate guidance in any position on the earth.
The public learned of GPS and aired persistent demands on the use of the tool for personal purposes. Civilians saw it as a way of boosting their security and making navigation during travel