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Write 3 pages thesis on the topic fundraising through commercial social networks by non-profit organizations.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic fundraising through commercial social networks by non-profit organizations. Following the path set by Facebook, the other industry participants including Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace are managing to catch attention of people having shares of around 57%, 30% and 7% respectively in the year 2011. All these CSNs except Facebook have shown a sluggish negative growth as compared to the previous year. In terms of community membership, Facebook is well above from Twitter having an average of 6,376 members. Twitter is hardly chasing Facebook in this regard and having an average of 1,822 members in the year 2011. The effort of fund raising through Facebook has been growing but not as enormously as it can be. Groups that are generating funds from Facebook have a range of $1 to $10,000 per year. This statistics has risen from 38% to 46% from 2009 to 2011. The number of organizations which raises funds through Facebook and other commercial social networking operations has doubled from 0.2% to 0.4%. These organizations raise about $10,000 or more annually. But the amount and the number of fundraising organization is still a very thin slice of the entire sector. Non profits organizations believe that they see the efforts of commercial social networking as valuable enough.

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