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Write 4 pages thesis on the topic the immigration act of 1924 may or may not have been successful, but if nothing else, it created the illusion of success. discus.

Write 4 pages thesis on the topic the immigration act of 1924 may or may not have been successful, but if nothing else, it created the illusion of success. discus. Section 11(a) of the aforementioned law states that, "The annual quota of any nationality shall be two per centum of the number of foreign-born individuals of such nationality resident in continental United States as determined by the United States Census of 1890, but the minimum quota of any nationality shall be 100”. However, the law does not just stop from the restrictive quota, it also made a sweeping ban against Asians from entering the United States with the exception of the Filipino and Japanese citizens. With the implementation of the Immigration Act of 1924, immigrants from Eastern European counties saw a drastic decrease in number while there was not much effect to the Northern and Western European immigrants. As a result the law unintentionally created a divide which implies that the people from Eastern Europe were inferior and disfavored as compared with the rest of the continent. Likewise, the law also created the same divide in Asia because of the imposition of the Asiatic barred zone, which in simple terms, banned all citizens of Asian countries from entering the US pursuant to a provision in Section 11(d) of the law which excludes&nbsp.“aliens ineligible to citizenship or their descendants”.

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