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write 4 paper, standard format. 3 pages are for your paper, and 1 page for your citation. you must use evidence with citations to prove your claims. + Answer this question: do you believe Gandhi's sy
write 4 paper, standard format. 3 pages are for your paper, and 1 page for your citation.
you must use evidence with citations to prove your claims.
+ Answer this question:
do you believe Gandhi's system of non-violent protest offers a complete answer to political problems?
+ Organization should be like this: TitleI. Introduction- author/topic- thesis:
I do not believe Gandhi’s system of non-violence can adequately address all political issues.Although I admire Gandhi’s system of Satyagraha, I do not believe it can really handle any political crisis.Although many may doubt that non-violence can really solve all political problems, I argue that it can.II. EvidenceIII. EvidenceIV. EvidenceV. Conclusion
+ the only Works Cited should be from this book ,(with page number):Gandhi, Mahatma. Selected Political Writings. Ed. Dennis Dalton. Hackett Publishing Co. 1996.
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******** ********* ****** of ********** *************** NameInstitutional AffiliationCourse ****************** ******** ** ********************** ********* system ** nonviolent protectsIn ** ******* ******** ****** can use nonviolence ** ******* all ** ***** ********* ****** **** is ******* they ****** *** *** ** ********** *** violence ** *** **** **** ********* * ******* *********** *** nonviolence speakers' ******** ****** **** ** ****** in *** ***** ** ******* ********* struggle ** resolve **************** ********* **** *********** speakers are looking for ************ strategies *** *********** ******** ** **** ** contribute to peace where ***** is ** need *** ********* ********* to *** nonviolence ******************* speakers **** values ** power of **** in which they ******** ******* ** ********** ** activities that *** **** ** conflict ** *** ********* **** *** ***** ** life's ****** it ** ******** ** ***** ****** ****** because power ** ***** ** be indestructible where ** ** ********* ** **** ******* *** the ***** ** the ********** *********** ******** *** ***** to ****** respond ** political ******** ******* **** seek ** ****** ***** of ***** **** ********* ** ****** ** *** government system ****** **************** ** an ideology ** ***** ** ********* a ***** ******** **** ** solve ****** *** ********* ******** ***** aids in ************* ********* After *** ******** **** **** ********** **** can ** ******** ***** ** *** ******* needs ***** ****** contribute ** ******** **** can answer **** ***** ********* and ****** issues by ********** *********** *** ****** ** ideology **** ***** ** ***** ****** and political ******************* is ******** as the most ************* term ******* ** *********** more **** **** *** ********* ** the use of ******* *** ****** ******** ************* or * *** ** techniques *** ********** ************* *********** is ** ***************** ****** and economic program ** emancipation and ****** ********** ********* nonviolence ** an ******** **** represents * ************* ******** ** ***** ********* ******** ********** ********** conflicts *** ********* society **** * nonviolent ********** humanity's historical ******** have **** **** ******** ** *** ******* ** evolve ************* **** **** implies that violence and exclusion are *** intrinsic ** ****** *** ****** ********** ******** by ********** actors **** ******** ********* *** ********** interests tend ** help ****** *************** **** ** *** military-industrial complex ***** is * ******* ****** **** *** very violence from ***** **** **** ****** ******** ******* of ********* ******** ***** ** a ******* ** ** ************ ** ** facilitated *** ********* of ***** ************* ***** ************* ******* **** *** human cognitive reflexive ********* scientific *** ******** ********* leading ** ********** ************ Preparation ** ******** ***** ******* *** justification *** ************** of ****** ************* *** *********** *************** ***** things ****** *** ***** person's *********** or **** it difficult ** meet ***** basic needs According ** ******** political ****** nonviolence ******** * ******* ** ********* to identify *** *** *** the ******* *** left behind ** every ********* ******** *** ****** ********* ******** ** both ********* mechanisms *** **** of *** conditions of ****** cohesion ******* *** ****** ******* consents to a **** ** ****** social reality *** ************ ** ************** ****** ******* ** *** *********** internalization of *** ******** ***** ****** This ***** questioning *** fundamental *********** of the **** for ***** forces ******** *** gradual ************ ** an *********** ** ******** ******* for ***** ******** *** ****** ****** * ***** of ****** that *** ********** been ****** to ************** ********* *** *** **** ******** to political ********* the ***** *** also *** ******** *********** ********* distinguishing between *** ****** **** *********** ****** ******* ****** ************** ***** ** ******* *** ******* ** *** ****** ** conflict ** **** ******** *** ***** ** violate ******* ************* ** subordination ****** *************** ** legality Nonviolence ******* the ***** ** ******* **** ** ******* ******** ** ** formal *********** *** test ** ********** is based not **** ** *** **** **** *** purpose ** ***** ****** ** *** **** for ***** benefit but also on *** ********** ****** ** the *** *** the acceptance ** the ************ **** ***** to ******* **** *********** ** *** ********** **** ********* ** the **** ** ******** *** ****** **** ********** *********** **** through ********** methodsIt ** ******** to ***** that ********** ****** ************** ********* **** ******* since the dawn of ********* ******* *************** boycotts *** ***** ************ among **** ****** are ************ ******* though ***** ** ********* action ********** ****** or *********** ******* violence *** also ******** ** *** ***** **** ****** *** * **** ***** ********* **** *********** for ************ ******** ******** **** ******** ******* ***** *** ********** ******* ***** ** nonviolence **** recognize themselves ** **** **** **** regarded ** ********* ******** ** Western culture ReferenceAllen * ************ after ***** ******** Nonviolence and ************** Oxford University ********** R * ********* ***** ** nonviolence ********* University ********** * (2019) ******** ** ***** *** *********** in *************** ******** The Gandhian *********** **** ***************