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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic canonization of ralph waldo emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson is instrumental in molding a unique American literary quality by introducing openness or acceptance of other

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic canonization of ralph waldo emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson is instrumental in molding a unique American literary quality by introducing openness or acceptance of other influences with the American literary scene. Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the prime movers of the Transcendentalism literary concept, known as American Renaissance, between the years 1835 unto 1865. During this period, Ralph Waldo Emerson focused all his efforts on ensuring literature, poetry, and philosophy successfully burgeoned. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s painstaking efforts opened the path for other great literary writers, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Thoreau, to bloom and flourish in their own right (Emerson & Thoreau 6). Why people have to Study the Life and Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. As one of the greatest poets of all time, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poems serve as standards or other literary enthusiasts and aspiring poetic masters to beneficially emulate. Many loyalists of Emerson greatly benefitted from studying the life and works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The average person will be easily inspired by the poetic teachings of each Ralph Waldo Emerson literary masterpiece. Reading his poems unquestionably inspires the readers to do their best in their own field or genre. For example, one can learn from Ralph Waldo Emerson (Emerson, Early Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 28) discussing in his poem “FATE”, the old English line “None shall ask thee what thou doest, or care a rush for what thou knowest, or listen when thou repliest, or remember where thou liest, or how thy suffer is sodden.” that Ralph Waldo Emerson understood that every person cannot avoid one’s fate. The reader will learn that Ralph Waldo Emerson inspired people to think and act freely to chart their one diverse future, as independent pilots of their own ship called DESTINTY. Furthermore, as one of greatest poets of all time, Emerson’s poetic masterpieces offer gem-like messages that encourage people to take each daily hurdle or unfavorable event as a lesson to be learned. For example, the readers will learn from reading Ralph Waldo Emerson’s book, Poems, entitled Alphonso of Castille, that Ralph Waldo Emerson created poems that delved on resolving everyday mundane events, serving as a guide for the readers. Specifically, reading the old English poetic line “I, Alphonso, live and learn, seeing Nature go astern (22). Things deteriorate in kind. Lemons run to leaves and rind.” will motivate the readers to implement Ralph Waldo Emerson’s concept to live life at its fullest and not worry about the mundane hurdles in life, just like the plants and trees that sprouted, grew, and died during the time of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In addition, Emerson’s masterpieces unwaveringly teach the readers to do their small part to make the world a better place to live in, which is one of the marks of a canon master. For example, the reader of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s book, Poem, the poem The Humble –Bee by inserting the old English language lines “Burly, dozing humble-bee, Where thou art is clime for me. Let them sail for Porto Rique, Far –off heats through seas to seek (39.)” will vividly learn that Ralph Waldo Emerson was a lover of nature, just like the mediocre citizen.

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