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Write 5 pages thesis on the topic ecotourism product development. AnEcotourismproject should fulfill the functions of conserving the environment and empowering the community around it both economicall

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic ecotourism product development. AnEcotourismproject should fulfill the functions of conserving the environment and empowering the community around it both economically and politically. It is also a requirement of such a project that respects the culture of the community around.

Wild animal rearing is also a common trend in this project but will depend on the laws of the country where the project is situated. In Australia, the ECO certification board helps tourists to identify an eco-tourism project that suits their desires and expectations. (Diamantis,&nbsp.2004, p. 14). The body is the first of its kind all over the world and has set a good example.

Being a citizen of Australia, ecotourism is a good investment due to the high numbers of local and international tourists. The vegetation of Australia is dived into six regions. the rain forests, lake regions, mountainous regions, wet tropics, and the desert regions. My interest in the Pinbararegion which is a large dry area that is thinly populated in the west region of Australia. The only eco-tourism project in this area is located on the beach leaving the rest of the area unexplored. The area has beautiful mountains and cliffs which make it beautiful although it is still a desert with little vegetation. It is lowly populated with an approximate population of 48610 people evenly distributed in the 502,000&nbsp.kmĀ²area.

I would formulate an ecotourism project in this area that will contain three wings. Wing A will have a grown forest, wing B will be a cultural center while Wing C will be an animal center with two sections. One section in it will hold animals with abnormal features while the other part will have a snake park.&nbsp. It will also include other support facilities that will be used to make the place more recreational such as swimming pools boat riding experiences as well as accommodation facilities for those who will want to spend a few days in the area.&nbsp.


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