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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the issue of gender inequality in society.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the issue of gender inequality in society. The experience shows that sometimes a part of the population is oppressed by the majority and faces obstacles on the way of its personal development. It is quite understandable that no type of discrimination should be permitted, but I am strongly convinced that gender discrimination is one of the worst times as it relies on aspects that a person has no power over and is often reinforced by society.

A general assessment of the effect

In the course of this class, I was able to read a considerable amount of evidence that affected the beliefs which form my opinions. I was truly surprised to learn that some of the categories that I automatically applied to society should be analyzed in great detail and their artificial nature should be exposed. In other words, I was able to see that some of the beliefs which I held true and indisputable were actually designed by society long before I was born. As a result, this allowed me to introduce certain changes in the way I form my opinions about the world. To be more specific, now I see that it would not be advisable to be categorical about the idea of gender since it is much more complex than I thought about it.

As a result, the above-mentioned changes in my opinion allowed me to redefine the way I perceive myself. It would not be a mistake to suggest that one of the first things that I did after having adopted the new kind of thinking was to see whether my actions do to strengthen the oppressing gender roles that I learned about. I found that indirectly some of the ideas that I thought to be correct as well as the way in which I treated certain people were heavily influenced by the kind of thinking which was predetermined by society. As a result, I did my best to get rid of these aspects of my personality in order not to help society oppress others.

It is quite understandable that having understood the negative impact of gender roles, I started treating society in a different way. For example, I was able to see that the social environment, in general, is a complex system that has a certain tendency for development.

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