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Write 6 page essay on the topic Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Tests.Download file to see previous pages Some of these tests have been developed as diagnostic tools that have been used predom

Write 6 page essay on the topic Strengths and Weaknesses of Personality Tests.

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Some of these tests have been developed as diagnostic tools that have been used predominantly to examine for personality problems and disorders (Kaplan &amp. Saccuzzo, 2008), while others have been developed basically as tools to help understand the individual better(Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997). A number of such personality tests have been used to assist in vocational guidance and professional recruitment (Kaplan &amp. Saccuzzo, 2008). Different tests are developed on the basis of different theories of personality ranging from trait and type theories to the psychoanalytic and humanistic theories (Wiggins, 2005). Thus, the manner in which these tests assess personality can be very different (Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997). Some tests use a self report technique, while others are required to be administered by a professional. While a number of tests use rating scales and questionnaires. some use non-verbal stimuli (Kline, 2000). A few of the well known tests today include the 16-Factor test by Cattell and others and the MBTI which has been based on Jung’s classification of human personality. Non-verbal tests of personality that are often used with children include the use of Apperception tests that attempt to draw out unconscious thoughts and desires (Wiggins, 2005). ...

up information, Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) which describe the way people align to facts and Judgment (J) – Perception (P) which explains the way they interact with the outer world (Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997). The test makers believed that the stronger of each dichotonomy expresses itself into the individual’s behavior and influences their choices. Thus, they described 16 Types of individuals based on the combinations of the dominant aspect of the four dichotonomies. These types (coded as INTJ, ESFP, etc) describe personality in a non – judgmental manner with the object of promoting growth and believe that each type is as valuable as the next in a fully functioning society (Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997). It is a popular test in organizational training and selection as well as guidance and is usually used in conjunction to the individual’s explanation of the scores (Kaplan &amp. Saccuzzo, 2008). Although the MBTI enjoys immense popularity. it has been challenged on a number of methodological points (Kline, 2000). The most significant of all concerns is the forced dichotonomies. since it becomes difficult to assess the effect of the dormant aspect since it is not documented (Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997). Differences in scores are not taken into consideration, and so it is quite possible to have people with the same classification to respond to their environment in very different ways (Kline, 2000). Although there is reluctance in the scientific community to use simplistic types to explain behavior, recent research by Meehl (in Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997) has found evidence that supports the use of types. On the other hand, Dhalstrom (1995 in Anastasi &amp. Urbina, 1997) believes that such simplistic explanations allow for considerable error and should be avoided.

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