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Write 6 page essay on the topic What are the pros and cons of the rise of networks.Download file to see previous pages... To put it simple, “a network society is a society whose social structure is

Write 6 page essay on the topic What are the pros and cons of the rise of networks.

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To put it simple, “a network society is a society whose social structure is made of networks powered by microelectronics-based information and communication technologies.” In this definition, it is evident that network as an essential part of social structure has a two-fold basis for its functioning. In this context, it is necessary to concentrate on the reasons of network to empower. In fact, this argumentation enables to comprehend the core contradiction that appears with the rise of networks. Among the key drivers towards the new network society, Castells (2010) mentions technological revolution, growing interdependence between contemporary economies.In other words, “social changes are as dramatic as the technological and economic processes of transformation”.In the case of technology, the very ability to analyze innovations in the close link with social movements rejects technological determinism. In particular, it is presented as a deeply rooted in the social fabric instance, which is a mirror of prevailing type of social and economic knowledge, organizational framework, and network disposition (Castells, 2010, p. 35). In the context of the latest technological revolution, Castells (2010) emphasizes the role of Silicon Valley in America as a precise driver of this significant change (p. 62). Moreover, he stresses on the genetic engineering as “they also refer to the decoding and recoding of the information of living matter”.

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