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Write 8 page essay on the topic Identify an area for development you feel will enhance the teaching and learning of geography in primary school. Indicate why with some analysis you feel this is necess

Write 8 page essay on the topic Identify an area for development you feel will enhance the teaching and learning of geography in primary school. Indicate why with some analysis you feel this is necessary. Discuss the implication of a plan to improve the situation as a Subject leader, th.

But to those educators who specialize and love the field, such circumstance is unfortunate because much can be improved in order for the subject to be interesting, significant, effective and productive for primary school learners. This paper will explore this theme, particularly the problems about the framework by which geography is taught and the issues entailed in its improvement.

In the early 1980s, geography was included in the list of subjects mandated by the National Curriculum, an initiative by the government to regulate and specify school curriculum. This was in opposition to the previous educational policy of the 1970s, which favored a free-for-all curriculum. By the time of the Education Reform Act of 1988, geography’s place had been assured and that this part is in large measure to the highly successful lobbying of the Geographical Association. (White 2004, p77) The importance of geography as a subject has been sufficiently explained. As part of educating the young, it is an important tool to learn about history, the environment and the international development. According to Chang, loosely, geography equips students with the knowledge, skills and values as useful and contributing citizens of the world. (p142) Specifically, “geography in schools will train future citizens to imagine accurately the condition of the great world stage and so to help them to think sanely about political and social problems of the world around” in addition to its basic role in understanding history, the environment, the society and their relationships. (p142)

During the 1990s, however, the geography subject was increasingly demoted as a minor and insignificant subject area. It was relegated to schedules in the afternoon and the lessons involved poor content and activities. Many experts believed that the series of modifications to the National Curriculum is the primary reason to blame in the deterioration of the subject. For example, when

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