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Write 8 pages thesis on the topic how important are supplementary community schools for diasporic communities.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic how important are supplementary community schools for diasporic communities. This essay stresses that supplementary education, therefore, plays a very important role in education of the young ones in the society. We have seen how pupils do not only acquire knowledge of the classroom needed to pass exams, but also values that are to enable them be useful members of the society. According to these schools, culture, tradition, and language are essential aspects of life of a society that are not supposed to get ignored as in the case that happens, one might end up losing their identity. They also have been important in dealing with racism that is central in most of the state schools that hinder the performance of the blacks due to lack of attention and lesser opportunities of learning offered to them. In China for instance, we have realized that they provide their pupils with additional education so that when they move to the American schools, they do not have to suffer in terms of under-achievement.

This paper makes a conclusion that they can compete favorably and move to colleges that provide them with opportunities for better employment opportunities. Underachievement in supplementary schools in Turkey has been able to diminish due to the constant rewards presented to these pupils who have shown an improvement in their studies or those who have performed well so that those with poor performance can get the challenge to work harder.

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