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Write 8 pages thesis on the topic part b:how significant was the role of individuals in the making of modern russia in the years 1854 to 1964.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic part b:how significant was the role of individuals in the making of modern russia in the years 1854 to 1964. During this period, three individuals had especially significant roles in the development of modern Russia. the Romanov Tsars Alexander II and Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, and Nikita Khrushchev. While Lenin and Khrushchev did not lead their countries to war, they were, nevertheless, involved in military action that had significant effects on the development of modern Russia. In effect, the actions of Nicholas the II during WWI were very important in development of the modern Russian governance, as well as the collapse of the Tsarist autocracy and subsequent Provisional Government, leading up to the Communist takeover (Dukes 82). However, other leaders like Alexander II, Lenin, Stalin, and Khrushchev were also fundamental to the development of modern Russia, especially due to their wide-ranging policy and security decisions.

Russia, during the 1850s, was an agrarian society that relied on serfs that were forced to serve in the Russian Army, as well as with little industrial development. The Crimean War, especially in the period between 1854 and 1856 saw Russia take on the Ottoman Empire that had the backing of Great Britain and France. The end of the War was disastrous for Russia and forced Alexander II to acknowledge that Russia had fallen behind its modern Western counterparts, which saw him undertake policies aimed at modernization and social change (Tolz 55). Alexander II allowed for the creation of local institutions of government, which was to be elected by a 3-class system. He also relaxed censorship and instituted an independent legal system. Alexander II’s government also encouraged private rail companies and subsidized them, allowing for grain exports and foreign exchange necessary for industrialization. This also enabled Alexander II’s government to expand to the East and South, expanding the Russian boundaries.

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