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Write 8 pages with APA style on Gender Discrimination in the Workplace. For instance, many transgender employees find it difficult to procure employment at international organizations as managers fear

Write 8 pages with APA style on Gender Discrimination in the Workplace. For instance, many transgender employees find it difficult to procure employment at international organizations as managers fear that they might not be able to adjust to the internal culture and other employees might pick up conflicts with them. If all commercial institutions begin discriminating on the grounds of gender, many employees would be rendered jobless. This would not be a sustainable approach in the long run (Ridgeway, 2011).

Gender inequality in the workplace has become a rising issue and a concern for many female employees. Female employees find it difficult to rise above male employees in terms of job position and secure more powerful designations (Bobbitt-Zeher, 2011). There is a general notion held by employers that female employees are likely to be more engaged in household activities and neglect the responsibilities associated with their workplaces. Employers also suspect that female employees are likely to take more leaves from work in order to meet household responsibilities. Sexual harassment incidences are also commonly found in modern-day business organizations (Barak, 2013). The lower power position and the lack of status provided to women workers make them susceptible to such discriminatory practices. The adequate pay gap is also seen to exist between male and female workers. Some of the key findings with respect to gender discrimination existing in the commercial world are essential as follows (Osborne-Crowley, 2014):

The above-mentioned statistics critically reveal that gender inequality is a real phenomenon in today’s modern-day business. Although most organizations would deny such aspects, in reality, gender discrimination is strongly present and is visible during organizational decision-making processes (Moore, et al., 2011). Modern-day organizations must consider informing members of the organization that male and female employees must be regarded as equals. Female employees are no less than male employees in terms of productivity. If provided with the right opportunities and training, female employees have depicted improved and in fact better performance than male employees in many organizations (Karpowitz, Mendelberg, and Shaker, 2012). Instead of motivating female employees, it is essential that organizations themselves consider adapting to procuring and working alongside female employees. Most international organizations and public institutions as per the directions of the ILO (International Labour Association) are required to possess at least one-third of their net employee strength as females. Workplaces must be able to conveniently adjust with both male and female employees (Eitzen, Zinn and Smith, 2013).

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