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Write 9 page essay on the topic Childcare Law and Policy: Risks, Rights, and Justice.The youth is considered as an active group capable of doing many things both good and bad. This has particularly pu

Write 9 page essay on the topic Childcare Law and Policy: Risks, Rights, and Justice.

The youth is considered as an active group capable of doing many things both good and bad. This has particularly put the youth in a platform where they are seen as a risky group especially with issues of crime. Of more importance in this issue has been the attitudes of young people to risk which has attracted much interest from the law and policy-making organs. As Kemshall (2008) states, much discourse on the youth in relation to risk has focused on education campaigns to encourage the youth not to engage in risky behaviors. The approach taken has aligned with “the rational actor, the ‘Prudential Human’ who will make rational and normatively correct choices if only the relevant risk information is given and processed correctly (Kemshall, 2008:22). However, such initiatives have failed to explore how such decisions are made over certain periods of time and the decisions that the youth make with respect to risk and the issues that make them take such decisions. From this information, it is clear that there is a gap between policy and practice because policy formulation and implementation do not address the actual problem that they should address. The policies developed fail to address the problems that they should address because of the failure of practitioners to conduct researches and find the actual reasons why the youth engage or take decisions to engage in risky behavior. instead, the policies formulated are meant to address the problems of the youth as imprudent, irrational and vulnerable individuals. Thus, the information provided fails to act wisely on risk information because of acting on assumptions rather than adequate research initiatives.

Kemshall (2008) states that the problematization of the youth has brought about criminal justice and social policy responses that promote regulation and control of the youth (Kemshall, 2008:22). As such, social ills in the society are perceived as problems that are caused by the youth. Despite the fact that risk has been considered as something directly linked to the youth and crime, it has become an important issue in response to crime, especially in youth crime.

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