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Write a 10 page essay on Critically compare 'Modern Times' with Fritz Langs Metropolis and/or E.M. Forsters The Machine Stops. Comparatively asses their engagement with both modernity and modernist ae

Write a 10 page essay on Critically compare 'Modern Times' with Fritz Langs Metropolis and/or E.M. Forsters The Machine Stops. Comparatively asses their engagement with both modernity and modernist aesthetics.

Modern aesthetics is a study of beauty and taste and is therefore extremely difficult to define. If you wish to describe modern aesthetics, then it would be a philosophical mix of the beauty, the ugliness and the sublime (Bradbury & McFarlane, 1976, p. i-iii, 7). At the same time, it is also considered an art of studying the natural responses to various modern day events. Modern aesthetics is also considered a study of our sensory emotions and is therefore considered sentimental in nature (Bradbury & McFarlane, 1976). While defining nature and culture, modern day aesthetics see the world from an entirely new perspective.

If we go back in time, say to the year 1936, we would recall the iconic Charlie Chaplin playing his symbolic Little Tramp character in the movie Modern Times. In what appeared to be his last appearance, Charley Chaplin put up a splendid performance and showcased his highly acclaimed acting skills in depicting a poor tramp who struggles valiantly to survive against all odds while trying to establish his identity in a highly competitive modernistic society. The film was a silent work which was devoid of the modern day dialogues. Nonetheless, the veteran actor Charles, who played the role of a worker employed in the manufacturing unit, managed to create quite a stir by displaying the tardy monetary conditions during the Great depression. Modern Times was a satire which ridiculed the so called efficient industrialization process that had rendered numerous homeless and snatched the bread from those who once enjoyed a healthy livelihood. (Chaplin, 1936)

Modern Times received iconic status when, through the means of a sound direction and flawless acting, it managed to showcase the deteriorating fiscal conditions and the “desperate employment” people faced during the early nineteenth century. It is interesting to note

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