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Write a 10 page essay on Money Sex and Power.While the agency of the feminist movement has brought women to a place and time where women have access to education, sustainable incomes, and control and

Write a 10 page essay on Money Sex and Power.

While the agency of the feminist movement has brought women to a place and time where women have access to education, sustainable incomes, and control and guardianship over their own bodies and sexuality, that agency has succumbed to the image of the super star, super model, where unless it is a reflection of the male ego, the value of exchange that a woman brings to society is under valued. &nbsp.&nbsp.While the agency of the feminist movement has brought women to a place and time where women have access to education, sustainable incomes, and control and guardianship over their own bodies and sexuality, that agency has succumbed to the image of the super star, super model, where unless it is a reflection of the male ego, the value of exchange that a woman brings to society is under valued. &nbsp.&nbsp. Today, feminists, especially when Third World women are included in that group, are faced with the complex social conditions in which they had no small role in creating for themselves. &nbsp.As Katherine Mayo discusses in her book, Mother India, women in evolving Third World nations have been left behind, while feminists in the industrial nations have moved forward without enough work towards the economic, social and political conditions that keep women in Third World nations enslaved to the male ego. In Tanya Renne’s book, Ana’s Land, the agency of feminism is discussed as from the Eastern European perspective. &nbsp.&nbsp.Renne discusses the feminine identity emerging in the former Soviet bloc countries.

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