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Write a 2 page essay on Analysis of Leading Congregational Change by Herrington, Mike Bonen and James Furr.Download file to see previous pages... The authors intended to help other church leaders who

Write a 2 page essay on Analysis of Leading Congregational Change by Herrington, Mike Bonen and James Furr.

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The authors intended to help other church leaders who are venturing into a transformational journey. This paper will present a critical review of the book by highlighting its strengths and weaknesses.

One of the outstanding strengths of the book is the fact that the authors present their ideas in all honesty. Unlike many authors who only reveal their successes, the guidelines provided in this book have a basis on both successes and failures of the authors registered in the ten years of experience. They embark on a vivid description of the evidence struggle towards transformational change informing the reader of the conflicts that emerged and eventually the victories that resulted. Such an honest depiction gives this book a firm basis for its ideas. Notably, the authors also use an appropriate style of presentation of their ideas. They seem to develop a master plan suited for the transformational journey and presented stepwise in the book. They are keen to mention the critical aspects that define any form of transformation within the church setting. The mentioning of Gods will, in this case, is an integral part of the relevance of the book as it applies to churches (Herrington, Bonem &amp. Furr, 2000).

A close analysis of the book reveals its extensive use of scriptural references as well as other related texts and studies. Effective use of references in developing any text is a critical aspect that determines the validity of any work. Being a religious book on leadership, the use of scriptural references serves as a foundation for the ideas presented. Worth noting is the fact that the authors present a realistic view of congregational transformation. They highlight that the process of transformation needs adequate preparation, which involves planning and proper coordination (p. 98). Therefore, the book warns church leaders against rushing ventures of transformation.

Although the book has multiple&nbsp.strengths as highlighted above, it has a few notable weaknesses. One of this is the fact that it does not give sufficient credit to the role of the Holy Spirit and the mission of the church as expected.

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