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Write a 2 page essay on Critical Thinking Application Paper.Download file to see previous pages... The ability of each individual to think critically varies. Critical thinking hinges on a few critical

Write a 2 page essay on Critical Thinking Application Paper.

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The ability of each individual to think critically varies. Critical thinking hinges on a few critical elements, these being precision, significance, vigor, fairness and rationality. Today in our rapidly evolving and changing business environment where there is a constant pressure to innovate products and services, an organization cannot remain competitive without the incorporation of critical thinking in its decision making processes. This being only possible if the employees of an organization are equipped to undertake a process of decision making that is purposeful and directed and hence in line with critical thinking. According to Process Management for a business to succeed it is essential that employees are taught to become more conscious of the thought process of an organization and that of the customers. They should be proficient in ‘language precision, being able to examine hidden assumptions, identify effective inferential reasoning and evaluate claims and reasons’ in order to think critically. There are many examples of critical thinking in a work environment.

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