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Write a 2 page essay on Fashion and Appearance.The essay "Fashion and Appearance" concerns the fashion and appearance. Marks and Spencer collection especially the Indigo Brand has a wide range of vari

Write a 2 page essay on Fashion and Appearance.

The essay "Fashion and Appearance" concerns the fashion and appearance. Marks and Spencer collection especially the Indigo Brand has a wide range of variety that speaks to me. I feel loyal to this brand because it is comfortable, brings out who I am as an individual and is not a hassle. At this point in my life, casual is my choice of style as it works for me any day any time. It’s quite manageable and appropriate for me as I dress the way I want provided it matches my personality. My style will definitely change but not completely. I still intend to keep my casual look when the mood calls for it and will change slightly to be at par with the trends keeping it classy and simple. When choosing an outfit, most fashion stylists advice clients to flaunt their proudest bodily asset and cover the rest. One can make the choice to accentuate one’s internal qualities and still look beautiful. The renowned Hollywood costume designer, Edith Head uttered,” a woman’s clothes should be tight enough to tell you’re a woman, but loose enough to show you’re a lady.” This totals up the concept of dressing with some degree of class, leaving particular parts of your body to remain a mystery. Image 1 will make a best dressed list as the cloth is fitting. this is opposed to image two which is buggy. I believe fitting clothes make an individual appealing. this is evident from image 1. Clothes from image 2 make an individual look older than their actual age and not appealing. Clothes in my wardrobe include fitting dresses.

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