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Write a 2 pages paper on what person and/or event inspired you to pursue a career in a medical field, and how do you plan on capitalizing upon this experience in your field.

Write a 2 pages paper on what person and/or event inspired you to pursue a career in a medical field, and how do you plan on capitalizing upon this experience in your field. Running Head: WHAT PERSON AND/OR EVENT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A CAREER IN A MEDICAL FIELD, AND HOW DO YOU PLAN ON CAPITALIZING UPON THIS EXPERIENCE IN YOUR FIELD?

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What person and/or event inspired you to pursue a career in a medical field, and how do you plan on capitalizing upon this experience in your field?

The person who has inspired me immensely within the medical field has been my elder sister who is herself a doctor. She told me about the positives that come along with when an individual decides to enter this field. The experience that has come about ever since I decided to join this field to serve the performance improvement ranks from the administrative/medical records perspective has been very significant because now I have learned the nuances and have found out how these are reliant on my own domains. I have seen her spend enough amount of time with her patients to convince me that she is an extraordinary human being who cares about others more than her own self. This is the reason why I wish to be a part of this fraternity as well which gives so much and asks for nothing in return.

Since I am enrolled in the Health Information Technology associate degree program which is accredited by AHIMA, this gives me all the more reason why I should pursue the medical field with earnestness. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude as I can envision myself caring for others and providing them relief through the performance improvement ranks from the administrative/medical records perspective which is much required on their part. I essentially respect the medical field and this is one of the reasons why I am treading the path of my sister who has achieved much respect already. As far as my future plans are concerned, I wish to complete my bachelor’s degree in the same field. It will put me in a league that is set apart from others within the terrains of any society in this world. I am glad that I have taken on this route which provides me a sense of empathy with the people who are under stress and have no one to look after them except us.

As far as the future is related, I plan to capitalize on the experience that I shall gain. This is because I believe in returning something worthwhile to the society. I will shape up my medical career in such a way that there will be learning on every turn. I will seek advice of my elder sister who means the world to me when it comes to the performance improvement ranks from the administrative/medical records perspective in the medical field. It is because of her work realms that I learned to see life in a different light altogether. I have the much needed passion and positive energy to take me forward. This shall help me quite a bit in reaching my desired goal which is to serve the medical field and the patients who are a vital part of it.

I aim to serve the performance improvement ranks from the administrative/medical records perspective as this is something which will give back what is needed most by this field. The health care industry requires people like me to be a part of it who are ever-willing to give their best and contribute in the best possible way that they can.

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