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Write a 3 page essay on Argument with research.According to Katz and Green, for decades business owners had always thought that the greatest challenge that was facing their business was the insufficie

Write a 3 page essay on Argument with research.

According to Katz and Green, for decades business owners had always thought that the greatest challenge that was facing their business was the insufficiency of financing to start their businesses when in fact it is not (2009). it is this product or service that would satisfy a certain demand or a product or service that can create demand. I can cite several example of entrepreneurs who started with almost no capital and are now successful and very rich. Foremost, is the example of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who started the now very famous Apple in a garage. Both of them had no money then that they have to create their first computer in the garage of Steve Jobs’ parents . The computer was great and from then on capital just followed enabling the company to create revolutionary products such as iPhone, iPad, iTouch and iPad. This only shows that a very good business idea can create capital by itself. Another example is the famous search engine Google. Google just started in a dorm room way back in college. Back then, it was still called as “BackRub” in 1996 and its founder was just a college student just like me, without capital to start a business.

But a great idea is not enough to start a business. Equally important is that one must act on his or her business idea. There are a lot of people with great business ideas that did not materialize because they did not acted it. Perhaps that are anxious about the risk involved in business or just plainly lazy to act on their ideas. Starting a business requires the ability to take risk and extra ordinary determination to succeed coupled with unparralled hard work. This was elaborated by Zimmerer and Scarborough who explained that “an entrepreneur is one who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty for the purpose of achieving profit and growth by

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