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Write a 5 page essay on Karl Marx.Download file to see previous pages... Though earlier works created by Marx seem to be advocating the scientific and technological development by taking it to be bene

Write a 5 page essay on Karl Marx.

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Though earlier works created by Marx seem to be advocating the scientific and technological development by taking it to be beneficial for the growth of human societies through his political ideology (156-7). nevertheless, his later works looks opposing the same partly because of the increase in exploitation of proletariat by bourgeoisie in the wake of industrial developments taking place in society (324). Somehow, instead of censuring the development, Marx aims to defy the evils the development had brought along with it. Since the political, social, economic, cultural and religious environment under which man is brought up and experiences the socialization process leaves an indelible imprints on his ideological thoughtfulness, the initial era cognitive development and thoughts keep on influencing his outlook and opinion on the one side, and regulating his actions and behavior on the other. the same is equally applied to the set of political and socioeconomic beliefs maintained by this distinguished philosopher and Father of Socialism i.e. Karl Marx (1817-1883). Born in the culturally divided Prussian state of Europe, Marx personally noticed the existence of the state of conflict between the social classes, which helped the young philosopher to examine the prevailing circumstances within the historical background of human societies. Instead of adopting the notion that the development of human societies was an outcome of the growth of the rule of law or man’s cognitive development, Marx declares it actually the result of material conditions of life (3). The improvement of material conditions of life, according to Marx, simply refers to the development of means of production actually, which play decisive role in enhancing the political and economic conditions as well as intellectual growth of the individuals and societies, which he has also described in his letter to Kreuznach (12). In addition to this, the latest modes of productions, Marx elucidates, not only increase the productivity to an imperative extent, but also pave the way towards the exploration of further avenues of productivity in the wake of the advent of technological advancements (153). Consequently, Marx’s initial years political ideology appears to be providing an unconditional support to the advent of industrial growth taking place within his social surroundings. Somehow, this great German thinker has aptly viewed the rapid flow of industrialization to be detrimental for the peace and stability of society in his later work(s). The claim was actually the outcome of the disadvantages the industrialization had introduced in society by allowing the domination of the investors as the owner of all production units in the Marx’s contemporary European societies. Since the proletariat used to work from dawn to dusk in the production activities of the industrial units, and hence maintained major share in income and profit generation, they certainly deserved the same proportion of share in profit volume (341). However, the lion’s share went to the producer/owner of the industry, according to Marx, without offering any benefits necessary for improving the condition of the workers altogether (376).

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