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Write a 6 page essay on Crime is the result of individuals making choices to commit crime; it is not the result of their social circumstances. Discuss this statement.It would be particularly easy to s

Write a 6 page essay on Crime is the result of individuals making choices to commit crime; it is not the result of their social circumstances. Discuss this statement.

It would be particularly easy to simply suggest that due to psychological trauma during childhood, it created a sense of unbalanced morality which acted as the catalyst for criminal behaviour. In reality, however, criminal behaviour is simply the result of individuals making the personal choice to commit a crime and these actions are rarely,

if ever, justified by psychological or sociological circumstances.

As one example, it would be important to identify street crimes, which are those crimes which are often found in urban regions such as robbery, drug dealing, street gambling, or even prostitution. Sociological experts might suggest that it is due to the stresses involved with barriers in urban regions, such as poor educational systems and high drop-out rates, which drive youths into these street crime activities in order to make rapid cash. In poorer urban areas, youths are often exposed to media which depicts more affluent students wearing various designer clothing varieties or having access to the newest and most sophisticated technological products. These types of images reinforce that the poorer, urban youth is underprivileged in many ways, creating various animosities against their more affluent peers and they are simply acting out in an effort to experience the perceived joys of having more upscale merchandise. However, in today’s society, there are many different types of social programmes which provide youths and young adults in poorer areas opportunities for advanced education or specialised training in skilled trade areas. With these types of programmes in existence today, there is really no sociological excuse to commit street crimes, such as robbery, as there are government-sponsored systems available which provide youths with alternative methods for escaping the frustrations of poor urban lifestyle. Therefore, urban crime and street crime is simply a

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