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Write a 6 page essay on In a 46 page Research Paper analyzing the paradox of international donor gifts to improve gender equallity and primarily in the educational systems, how do don.Download file to

Write a 6 page essay on In a 46 page Research Paper analyzing the paradox of international donor gifts to improve gender equallity and primarily in the educational systems, how do don.

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These are clear-cut monetary aids that can only improve the situation.

The other element is more problematic. The "Gender Lens Tool" can be used to identify gaps in behavioural gender patterns of a society and, hence, to define differences in health information from a gender perspective.

Even the non-feminist experts from NGOs of the historically developed countries were influenced by Ms. Black, for Black believes every woman who hopes for a successful, rewarding career needs a mentor ( Black) Consequently, she made the whole white middle class pushing their own priorities regardless.

With this background, even if most chiefs and field-workers of the donors' NGOs were women ( while we know that rather the opposite is true ) they would not have much of an idea about the recipient's country history, culture, and built-in society's very different behaviour towards the gender question. Consequently, they would assume that the same social and sociologic environment as in their ( i.e. donor) home countries works in India ( and other Asian countries ) too.

Listing a few facts from the recipient country and most likely reaction of donors' staff to them should make the problems facing the Western donors' clear. We start with educational issues first:

(1) Scholarly studies and research projects have time and again established that if you educate a boy, you educate a person. if you educate a girl, you educate a "family and a benefit for entire community." Yet girls lag consistently behind boys in access to education throughout India. Reason is simple: girls help their mothers in household chores apart from making carpets. Thus they contribute to their household, and, perhaps, to the whole community economy ( Patel 2008).

(2) The next big bias against women-gender at schools starts with textbooks. For example, The Story of Science is a description of man and his discoveries. To show that, with scientific advances, travel time has drastically reduced, the story is told of the 'beautiful young Chinese princess' who was sent by her father to marry the king of Persia but married his son instead because the king died in the two years it took her to reach Persia! The readers are informed that in today's world, she would have reached her destination in two hours. The two scientists mentioned and whose pictures are given are Newton and Marconi ( Bhog 1640). Some textbooks carry the story of Madame Curie, an important role model for girls. Bhog argues that Maria Curie's portrayal is treated through a gender lens as the narrative highlights Maria's domestic responsibilities and emphasizes her ability to successfully take on the burden of home and work. To Bhog, these are narrative devices employed so that women are 'tamed into not being too out of this world, too different, too challenging' ( Bhog 1641).

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