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Write a 9 page essay on God in the Wasteland by David F. Wells.Download file to see previous pages... The author received appreciation for his work in the book No Place for Truth, or Whatever Happened

Write a 9 page essay on God in the Wasteland by David F. Wells.

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The author received appreciation for his work in the book No Place for Truth, or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theory where he examines the evangelical theory. In this sequel to no place for truth, he speaks of mass consumerism and church treating God as a commodity. He calls for the restoration of the church in this book. He provides data from a survey of seminarians to provide support his idea of reforming the evangelical world.

In the book "God in Wasteland" the author continues to draw remarks towards the evils of modernization and how the "worldliness" has populated the minds of the present generation. He opines that the external modernity can only be cleared of its tribulations by bringing back the holiness in its divine forms. "Only those who are countercultural by way of being other-worldly have what modern culture most needs to hear--a Word from God that can cut through the deceits of modernity to reach the hearts that lie within."

Wells feels that the transformation in the changing ways of the world has made people hollow from within, they are devoid of the attachment that the past decades thrived on "Thus thwarted in their efforts to find meaning outside themselves, moderns have sought to relocate all reality internally, detached from any fixed moral norms." The feeling of detachment, makes them react inconsequentially to the acts of sin as they satisfy his soul- he satisfies himself "modernity dispatches the God who is outside, and all that remains is the God who is inside." The central theme of the book, however, is to shed some light beyond the common man. Wells says that the church itself has been greatly influenced by the change in the global horizon and perhaps they do not realize it either. The shallowness of the church has been spoken about by the author in many stances "It is entirely possible for those who have sworn to defend the concept of biblical inerrancy to function as if they had no such Word in their hands. Indeed, it happens all the time and the sad fact is that while the nature of the Bible was being debated, the Bible itself was quietly falling into disuse in the church." His judgment is that church does not take character or theology seriously and that God in today's era is being treated as a product being delivered to the customers- believers are quite thought provoking. Wells identifies the solution to the problem as a re-emphasis on the doctrine and good theology.&nbsp.

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