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Write a cover letter to preface your portfolio and demonstrate that you have progressed on the learning outcomes for the course. Introduce each of the documents in your portfolio, using them as eviden

Write a cover letter to preface your portfolio and demonstrate that you have progressed on the learning outcomes for the course. Introduce each of the documents in your portfolio, using them as evidence to support your argument that you have met the requirements and are ready to advance to WRIT 300. Explain how the process of drafting and revising your writing, as well as interacting with your colleagues, allowed you to achieve the course outcomes. You should also specifically point out how you used the feedback that you received on your drafts to improve them for the portfolio.

Your goal here is to reflect on your own work during the fall semester, to assess how far you have come, and to be able to demonstrate your progress

Work done so far

Discourse Community Proposal of counseling 

Discourse Community Handbook

Rhetorical Analysis

Research proposal 

Research assignment about the role of technology in therapy

Subjects and Verbs

Run-on Sentences

 Subject-Verb Agreement

 Understanding the Four Sentence Types

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