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Write a paper about management, decision making and Corporate social responsibility. Be creative enough while doing the work Use articles, books, videos and peer to peer journals among others in this

Write a paper about management, decision making and Corporate social responsibility. Be creative enough while doing the work

Use articles, books, videos and peer to peer journals among others in this task. All the materials must be scholarly

Style: Use APA reference system in this work

Spacing: Double spaces work

Font type: Use Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

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Topic: Management



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Chapter 5

Question 1

Corporations have all the qualification to be called a moral agency. A responsible corporation behaves prudently, wise and morally and must show a lot of efforts of being responsible for its actions to the society. As moral agents, they have a both a moral responsibility and obligation. Decision makers in organizations must take actions that protect the society and invent initiatives that help develop the welfare of societies. Addressing social issues through action goes ahead to define moral responsibility. The corporations are held responsible for not showing commitment towards the people living around them. Therefore, a corporation has a voice of its kind that is completely different from that of its members. The corporations have moral agency and more obligations than human beings (May, Cheney, & Roper, 2007).

Question 2

A broader view of corporate social responsibility says not only the stake holder who should benefit from the organization. It says every constituent that affects the business must be taken care of. All parties with a stake in every action the corporation carry out including the public, employees and customers are incorporated in this social entity.  I favor the broader view because it shows a relationship between the organization and its society. This means the society benefits in one way or another. In this view, corporations take responsibility for injuries or side effects of its activities and transactions (Hunnicutt, 2009).

Question 3

According to Crane, Matten, & Spence (2014), to strengthen the moral behavior in organizations, accountability on non-economic matters should not be addressed to the corporations because this goes ahead to distort the organization mission. Corporations should adhere to government set laws and fit in the government system by taking the responsibility of the society broadly. The corporation must involve moral and social expertise to help make both economic and social decisions. Improvements on role definition for employees and that of a corporation should be reviewed to promote a healthy moral climate in the company.

Chapter 6

Question 1

The government intrusion in businesses concerns, helps the public and the consumers remain safe from many hazards or threats. Regulations help the consumers to shop with trust on the product safety. This keeps the consumer secure from substandard products that would be on shelves for sale. Dangerous products are quickly ejected from the market by government regulators (Fehl, 2010).

The businesses and the consumers have faced challenges when trying to comply with the government regulations. Great expense is incurred when complying with the regulations and sometimes leads to operations halt to first deal with compliance certificate. Due to this expense, the businesses increase the cost of goods and services to be able to compensate the expense. This burden is directed to consumers who are forced to purchase the products at a higher cost.

Question 2

Due to the regular implementation of new regulations, the businesses have had a challenge in maintaining the quality of products. The pricing strategies, labeling, packaging and safety of products has been a big deal. Unstable taxation by government, prior to the economic crisis in governments have altered the quality of products in the market. Businesses have therefore failed to provide the best for the consumers. To improve on this, businesses should enhance cooperation to set strategies that cannot be interfered by government policies and regulations (Asch, 1988).

Question 3

Advertisements always increase value on products since it shows a positive image of a product. This goes ahead to convince consumers to purchase it. By explaining how effective product is, this creates a positive attitude in the customers mind. Although if the advert contains false information and images the relationship between the seller and buyer is damaged. Offensive adverts do not pass the message well to consumers. It only creates a bad picture to the entire society (Asch, 1988).


Asch, P. (1988). Consumer safety regulation: Putting a price on life and limb. New York: Oxford University Press.

Crane, A., Matten, D., & Spence, L. J. (2014). Corporate social responsibility: Readings and cases in a global context. London: Routledge.

Fehl, P. (2010). Law, government & public safety. New York: Ferguson.

Hunnicutt, S. (2009). Corporate social responsibility. Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.

May, S., Cheney, G., & Roper, J. (2007). The debate over corporate social responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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