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Write an analysis of Margaret Wheatley's theories and perspectives on leadership and organizations. 2 pagesAn analysis of someone else's perspective on the application of the theories of leadership al

Write an analysis of Margaret Wheatley's theories and perspectives on leadership and organizations. 2 pages

An analysis of someone else's perspective on the application of the theories of leadership allows you to compare and contrast them against your own work experience and gives you a broader context with which to consider best practices you might want to implement in your own career.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the art and science of leadership.
    • Identify the main points and theories of leadership reflected in Wheatley's observations.
    • Analyze the New Business Realities relative to Wheatley's leadership best practices.
  • Competency 2: Reflect on personal leadership skills.
    • Describe examples from own work experience that reflect Wheatley's observations.

Research Margaret Wheatley's New Science of Leadership theories. You will find useful information including Scott London's interview, "The New Science of Leadership: An Interview with Margaret Wheatley," and Margaret Wheatley's book, Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World.

Write an analysis of Wheatley's theories and perspectives of leadership and organizations. Address the following in your analysis:

  • Identify the main points and theories of leadership reflected in Wheatley's observations.
  • Describe examples from your work experience that reflect Wheatley's observations.
  • Analyze the New Business Realities relative to Wheatley's leadership best practices.

When referring to sources in your assessment, remember to use proper APA format for your citations and references. In addition, remember to edit and spell check your document before submitting it.

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