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Write at least 500- 520 word response to the article . Remember this is not a summery. You must critically evaluate the article. Give your opinion on it please
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******* ******************** NameDateEmasculated ****** of ******* ***** of ******* ******** *** ********** ************ ****** ** *** ***** and *** ********** being **** out on the ****** *********** **** of the ***** take on ********* ** **** ** ********** meanings ***** are **** ** ****** ***** ******** **** ********** From **** ******* it ***** at *** ********** ****** **** *** engaged ** ***** subsequently *** ***** of ****** ****** ***** *** ** **** ******* thus ******* the **** **** ******** ** the ***** ***** **** ********* ** ** *** ***** *** the dynamism that ****** ******* ** *** construction reconstruction **** *** reinvention ** **** **** space ***** *** bodies ** *** hijra has ******** in ******** ********** plus social ************ ****** *** societiesFor ************ ** was ********* ** worship of ********* **** is *** ******* **** redefining the ********* roles ** ********** ** ******* in the ****** structures *** article indicates that ******** ****** **** *** ****** ********** ***** ** *** ** the ************ *** ********* constituting *** ******* ** ***** ******** **** *********** ***** to *** ****** ***** of *** ***** ******** significance ************ was ***** ***** as *** **** ** ******* ** *** *********** ********* *** ***** **** ** being ***** ** ** * ***** ritual *** it ** *** ********* globally This ******* ****** ***** one *** ************ ** *** hijra communityThere *** ********* ************** ***** ****** *** *** ******* ************ This ** relying on religion ** *** social status ****** *** community ** **** got people *** ****** ** *********** as * result ** **** of *** ************* that might ***** *** of **** *** ********* constraints ***** *** ******** or ********* ** **** an ********** chooses **************** ** the **** of ******** ** can ** avoided as * ****** ** *** ****** that *** mutilation ** ******* *** **** ** *** ** the **** of ******* ************* *** ******* ********** they take ************ as ***** ** be reborn ** hijra *** ******** of ***** *********** *** ** * result of individual beliefs ********** whether hijra *** ********* ****** ******* *********** *** **** ** ********* The ***** ** ************ *** to be considered for ****** ****** *** hijra communityIn *** case of ***************** ** was ***** done ** *** ******* or *********** ********* *** ********* *** *** emasculation ** **** ** *** ***** elders *** are *** ******** *** midwives **** ******* ******** but *** ******** ** ** ********* ** ***** of ****** ******* ***** ** ********* Mata **** *** ** ******* undertaken in ******* **** ** 3 am ** * ** **** ********** **** ****** usually *** ******** ** *** ****** that ****** them to this ******** In *** **** ** ***** ************ affects *** ****** ******** ** *** recipient while for some they *** ********** ** ****** ********** ** third ****** Having strong ********* for ***** ********** **** ******** ** *** act ** castrating ****** only ****** *** *** hijra ** ******** **** ****** ** ******* which ** ******** ******* being denounced ** *** *********** ******* hijra worldReferencesBellringer * ****** ******** ******** ** ******* * **** Transsexual *** ***** Disorders ** ****** ********* * ********* ***** to Management ****** *** ********* Publishing pp209–220 ************************ A ****** "The ******* ** ************ ***** ***** ****** *** ****** ****** in Bangladesh" ******* Health ***** ********* ** ***** 1418–1431 ********************************