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due on or by February 14th at class time.

Answer the questions as completely as possible. There is no minimum or maximum length.

  1. worth 20 points) At a recent family gathering you were “cornered” by your rather eccentric and strange uncle, Cliff. He is the one most of the family attempts to avoid. He asked about this semester at Avila and you mentioned you were taking an Ethics course. He said, “Ethics, what do you need to know? Everyone knows that ethics are absolute and things are either right or wrong.” You told him about the ethical theories of relativism, skepticism, teleological ethics, deontological ethics, utilitarianism, the categorical imperative, the veil of ignorance and the divine command theory. You also gave him ethical examples of each theory. What did you tell him?

2.   ( worth 20 points) Uncle Cliff was rather stubborn and said to you, “Well, sexual morality is very clear. We know what is sexually right or wrong, without question.” You responded by defining the traditional and libertarian views regarding pre-marital sex, extra-marital affairs, and sex between homosexuals. What did you say to him? (include the natural law theory)

3.  (worth 20 points) You also pointed out to uncle Cliff, 5 types, definitions and examples  of Fallacious Reasoning which are used in the media. What did you say to him?

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