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You need to write a response to three students and each of these responses should be at least 150 words.Below you will find what the students wrote, so you are able to write a response.Jordan wrote:

You need to write a  response to three students  and each of these responses should be at least 150 words.

Below you will find what the students wrote, so you are able to write a response.

Jordan wrote: Class,

    I am an English major. In the future, I would like to be a college professor. However, before I get my masters, I would really like to teach over seas. I want to teach somewhere in Europe. I would love to settle in England. I have always loved the country. Before that, though, I want to teach somewhere I am very needed in order to teach our language and literature.

     Being an English major, I love to dissect literature. Normally to do this, I tend to look at what literary devices are used. I have always been pretty interested in how writers have different ways of using them. Literary devices also help the poem or story move along. They are very important and needed in order to create a whole piece. I like seeing alliteration and mood the most. These two devices always stand out to me.

     I love alliteration due to the fact that I find it super interesting to see how many words they can come up with that has repetition of initial consonant sounds. I find alliteration to be a really complicated device to use. Coleridge uses alliteration in "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" in quite a few lines. The poem says, "And the balls like pulses beat; / For the sky and sea, and the sea and the sky / Lay like a load on my weary eye" (Coleridge, IV, 26-28). I feel like the alliteration Coleridge used in this poem is due to the fact that it is very long. He wanted it to keep moving easily. It also helps to connect themes within the piece.

     Mood, though, is an easier one. However, it is immensely impactful. When I read, I want to feel emotion. I want to dive into a piece and feel everything the writer intended. This is the exact reason mood is so important to me within literature. Wuthering Heights, for example, has the mood of darkness. Heathcliff is dripping with darkness. To me, this made the novel. In Wordsworth's poem, "I wandered lonely as a cloud", I felt a lot of sadness that changed into joy. We have all had moments of melancholy that changed quickly due to a simple thought or something seen. This is the exact feeling this poem is trying to portray. The last lines read, "And then my heart with pleasure fills, / and dances with the daffodils" (Wordsworth, 23-24). I love these lines. The wrap the whole poem up with happiness. I love how the mood changes from the beginning to the end of the piece.

Works Cited

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". 1798.   

Wordsworth, William. "I wandered lonely as a cloud". 1807.

Derrick wrote:

Literature is shaped by the society it was created in and typically contains ideas, themes or issues which are timeless. Our own experiences shape how we approach literature and how we discern major themes.

What is your intended career path? How has your major field of study impacted how you have read and interpreted assigned readings for this course? For example, a student working towards a degree in International Relations may apply a political lens to a reading whereas a Psychology major may instead focus on an author's motivation and life experiences. Please be sure to share specific examples in application to one of the pieces or authors we read during weeks 1 or 2.

My intended career path is to become an administrator in the criminal justice field, but in the mean, while I chose to pursue my undergraduate degree in general studies. I have always been interested in pursuing a career in criminal justice but elected to adjust my path to maintain full-time employment with the government. My military career will present me more opportunity to achieve the set goal as it has a professional platform to meet other law enforcement agencies. Working towards becoming an administrator requires critically thinking and analyze documents to reach a reasonable conclusion. The study of literary analysis ensures that I understand what is needed to look beyond the common motivate and experiences.

 By extensive reading of literary works of authors such as Samuel Coleridge and William Wordsworth, I can select thematic tasks and focus on the analytical skills used by the writers to develop my reading habits. My career path has thus impacted how I interpreted the assigned readings by ensuring that I grasp every new concept introduced by each text so that I benefit from the exposure and the technical writing skills of the authors.

I have more of an investigative approach when reading, and it was evident when reading Samuel Coleridge poem, "Kubla Khan." I was able to detect his state of mind and the transition of the poem from describing nature then onto romance. Also the transformation of language into both image and musc which many artist of today still uses to tell stories.

However, this course served as a requirement, and see little use for it once I declare my major in the coming months.College students like myself choses career path to follow directly from what we majored in; however, others may find their undergraduate course of study less immediately relevant to their work in the years following graduation.


Traci wrote:

I am an intelligence analyst by trade.  My career, while different from literature in multiple ways, has unique similarities.  Some of the similarities include reading, research, opinions, critical thinking and character analysis. 

Being an intelligence analyst entails hours of reading current events, data points and discussing other people’s opinions.  It also entails a lot of critical thinking and analysis.  An intelligence analyst is often asked to look at a location, person or piece of equipment and learn everything we can about it.  An analyst is then asked to regurgitate the information in a shortened and simplified manner and form an analytical opinion regarding the matter at hand.  The field of intelligence also requires an analyst to be aware of certain biases that are often formed, such as a cultural bias.  Critical thinking courses teach analysts to be aware of anchoring to an idea or concept simply because the source of that information is someone considered an expert.  It also teaches to listen to other people’s opinions and use them to strengthen or corrode the initial hypothesis in an analyst’s own writing.

 In a literature course, a student is asked to read books, poems and biographies, analyze the information, form an opinion and relate that opinion in a knowledgeable form to the rest of the class. In my opinion, the career field of intelligence analysis is similar because an analyst is required to read, form an opinion and relay that information to an audience.  There is also a similarity with critical analysis.  In this course, we are asked to read and accept other people’s opinions.  We also analyze characters in the same manor that an intelligence analyst would analyze a person or entity.  We weigh the characters strengths, weakness and assess the motives behind what is written. 

There are few similarities in this course and my current career field, but the similarities that do exist are solid.  The similarities are all part of the foundation of analysis.  

Please make sure and write a response to each one and label the responses with the students name.

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