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You spent time on Watergate, but not on Ford and Carter.

You spent time on Watergate, but not on Ford and Carter.  While the Iran Hostage Crisis eroded Carter's standing, he was already the target of a populist backlash led by the Religious Right, somewhat reminiscent of the Trump Campaign, though Reagan had more dignity.  In 1980, Reagan relied on the religious vote like no other President before or since.  He was perhaps the first GOP candidate to reach Catholics who opposed abortion on moral grounds.  Up until the historic Roe v. Wade ruling of 1973, Catholics could be relied upon to vote for Democratic candidates and causes.  The GOP and their allies used abortion effectively as a "wedge issue" to divide the Democrats.  Ironically, Jimmy Carter was a devout born-again Christian, whereas Ronald Reagan would become the nation's first divorcee President.

Why did Carter, a religious man, face so much hostility from the Religious Right?  How did the Religious Right help and hinder Reagan during his Presidency?

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