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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Animal adaption report. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.
You will prepare and submit a term paper on Animal adaption report. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Animal adaptation report Definition Adaptation refer to the psychological, structural and behavioral characteristics that either and animal or plant develops over a period to enable it survive a specific ecosystem. The evolutionary process of natural selection accounts for the development of those characteristics. Evolution as explained by natural selection demonstrates how the fitness of the organisms is enhanced over time thus enabling to cope with the environmental challenges.
Ecological niche
In ecology, niche refers to a species’ relational position in an ecosystem. An ecological niche thus describes both where an organism lives and its relationship with the habitat. For instance, a sunflower’s ecological niche is absorption of water, lights, and nutrients. Offering food to some organisms and releasing oxygen in the atmosphere (Daily, 2014).
Using examples in the video to describe the types of adaptations
A structural adaptation is defined as the physical characteristics that an organism develops in order to survive in a particular environment. The video shows a type of reptile that has developed sharp teeth to grasp slippery seaweed. The developed teeth is an example of adaptation that gives the reptile better likelihood of obtaining food thus surviving in the particular habitat. They have also developed a flat snout that helps them graze.
Physiological adaptations accounts for the way an organism adjusts or regulates bodily functions in response to a situation or its environment. An example from the video is the oxygen carrying capacity that the iguana reptile has developed to enable it dive for up an hour to get seaweed. The ability to dive deep enables the iguana reptile to dive deeper thus finding food.
An example of behavioral adaptation from the video is the migration of birds (albatross). Albatross migrate in response to their mating instincts. The behavioral adaptation that albatross has developed for mating allows their population to gather in one place and at a specific time and ensures their ongoing reproduction.
Task 2
The animal in the above picture is commonly known as African Cheetah
Its biological name is Acinonyx jJubatus.
Ecological Niche
In the former times, cheetahs were prevalent and common in various regions of the pre medieval world. However, nowadays, they are sported in specific parts of the world mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, emote and secluded North African regions, as well as Iranian and Pakistani enclaves. The largest Cheetah population’s concentration is in Namibia, Southwest Africa. This place is therefore famous as "the land of cheetahs."
The cheetah’s diet includes mammals ranging from small to medium size, which are lighter than 40kg. Some of these are impala, gazelles, and wildebeest calves. Other prey includes hares and guinea fowl.
The predators include human beings, hyenas, and lions.
Structural adaptations
A cheetah’s large size facilitates domination when fighting and killing its prey as well as other fast animals. The claws of cheetah are sharp which enables them to keep a strong grip on their prey while fighting and when tearing the prey apart.
One Physiological Adaptation:
Cheetahs have adapted respiratory and cardiac functions, which facilitate augmented intake of oxygen. Their lungs and heart engorge, working together for efficient circulation of oxygen. At the time of an archetypal chase, the cheetah’s rate of respiration amplifies from 60 to 150 breaths per minute.
The above picture is of Blue and Yellow Macaw. Its biological name is Ara ararauna.
Ecological niche
The habitat of Blue and Yellow Macaw is in tropical and subtropical forests. They breed in swampy grounds near rivers.
Diet: The diet of these birds depends on the available fruits. They can eat berries, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Some of the macaws’ diet also comprise of flowers and its nectar.
Predators: Human beings
Structural adaptations:
Macaws possess strong beaks that they can use for breaking seeds open thus increasing their food options. The toes of macaws are quite long and flexible which help them to clench branches and pick up various objects such as nuts for husking.
Behavioral adaptations:
They are quite clever and carry with them a high-quality talent of vocalization. Macaws are very expressive and outgoing. They often collect in clusters numbering one hundred or more in a single area.
The above picture is of a reptile commonly known as Tuatara. Its biological name is Sphenodon punctatus.
Habitat: Tuataras are restricted to in bush areas and coastal shrubs on islands that are inaccessible or secluded.
Diet: Their main food intake is in nighttime and it mostly eats small animals and insects. Tuataras attain the food by means of preying on beetles, lizards, worms, spiders, eggs of birds, and small reptiles.
Predators: The chief predators of Tuatara are humans and large birds since they can fall prey to them. The young Tuataras are mostly at risk from the predators, like, rats, dogs, stoats, ferrets, and cats and other adult Tuatara.
Structural adaptations
Tuatara enjoys the possession of strong claws and muscles. These enable them to dig ground burrows for safety when resting. When young, it has a small parietal eye, known as the third eye on top of its head. This third eye helps them in sensing shadows that helps them escape danger. Moreover, it also has partially webbed feet that assists it in swimming.
Behavioral adaptations
During breeding season, male tuataras croak. This distinct, carrying sound is a call for mating to the females. Generally, the tuataras cover their eggs with soil, which helps them by protecting their eggs from likely predators.
Big Cats. (n.d.). Where do cheetahs live? Retrieved from Big Cats:http://www.bigcats.com/quiz.php?id=0000000012
Daily, S. (2014). Ecological niche. Retrieved from Science Daily:http://www.sciencedaily.com/articles/e/ecological_niche.htm
Hamilton Zoo. (2014). Blue and Yellow Macaw. Retrieved from Hamilton Zoo:http://hamiltonzoo.co.nz/our-animals/birds/exotics/blue-and-yellow-macaw/
Hamilton Zoo. (2014). Cheetah. Retrieved from Hamilton Zoo: http://hamiltonzoo.co.nz/ouranimals/mammals/cheetah/
Hamilton Zoo. (2014). Tuatara. Retrieved from Hamilton Zoo:http://www.hamiltonzoo.co.nz/90/our-animals/reptiles/tuatara
Missouri Botanical Garden. (2002). What Does Adaptation Mean? Retrieved from MBG Net:http://www.mbgnet.net/sets/rforest/adapt.htm
Rainbow Springs. (2014). Tuatara. Retrieved from Rainbow Springs:http://www.rainbowsprings.co.nz/265/wildlife/tuatara
The Animal Spot. (2008). Blue and Yellow Macaw. Retrieved from The Animal Spot:http://www.theanimalspot.com/blueandyellowmacaw.