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You will prepare and submit a term paper on Enriching the Community through Education. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Enriching the Community through Education. Your paper should be a minimum of 500 words in length. Enriching the community Through College Education

The programs of the University of Colorado strategically designed to produce productive students not only academically but also in the areas of research, creative works and other services that distinguishes her as a premier university are both encouraging and challenging. It is encouraging because of the prestige of the school acquired through her dedication to the aforementioned objectives, assuring the student body of a quality education comparable to other universities known worldwide. However, it is also challenging because the humungous responsibility of the student to be a part of the university’s vision and mission in committing to excellence requires equal participation not only of the administration and faculty but of the students as well. In relation to this, I see myself able to contribute to the diverse community by being tolerant yet wise enough to consider decisions that would help me become a self-reliant citizen and to be considerate of others who have different opinions, even to the point of meditating on their beliefs and values if it is deemed helpful to my betterment. Eventually, such an effort to help in the attainment of peace and order amidst diversity in the community would help also the inclusive community to be strengthened. Doing one’s best in his studies, complying to all the requirements of the school, actively participating in school and community based activities and performing well in trainings are expected from a student and may not be monumental for some especially because such responsibilities are done everywhere, yet I believe that big things start from small things. Whatever insignificant matters I could contribute, I see them as strong as they can when they are joined together with similar efforts of other students.

Being a student at the University gives excitement because of the expectations that needs of being educated to be globally competitive will finally be met. Being a school promoting academic excellence, I expect to learn a lot in the university as I get exposed not only to books and the amenities in the school but most especially to the highly efficient professors. A leader to training leaders, I see myself evolve in the school as a great leader who does not need to be universally recognized but functionally speaking, would be effective through the leadership trainings students would be exposed to. Going to a school where diverse races and philosophies meet, I expect to see the world through the eyes and understanding of my fellow students in addition to what I will learn from the professors. In depth studies through research also gives me the expectation that I will learn a lot more through the activity whether done individually or in a group. Above all these, I expect to learn in an encouraging environment where every activity is just so exciting it will always drive me to go to school.

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