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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on employment law and trade unions.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on employment law and trade unions. A historical and critical study of the labor movement has come to be recognized as a necessary and even vital part of the research of human relations. Human nature is essentially the same the world over and “man is a social animal at all times” (Bates, April 1888) and in all places. It is this basic nature of man that controls and directs the organization and development of society in all its spheres of activity. The inevitable landmark of social advance has been the family, the tribe, the state, and the world organization. Further advances in world organization have however to be made if the man is to benefit from and not to be destroyed by the power of the atom. Different approaches may be made in this regard. But world organization has persistently proceeded, ever since the industrial revolution in England, on the basis of a social system subjected to industrial modes of production. One of the most fruitful approaches would, therefore to explore the possibilities of the dynamic forces that have already manifested themselves in modern industrial society (Fung, 2003). The industrial system has increased the interdependence of people everywhere and it is constantly emphasizing the ever-growing importance of the technique of cooperation. The trade union has, therefore become the greatest economic institution of our times and the future of democracy is closely bound up with the fate of trade unions.

The term ‘trade union’ is in constant and popular use, and it is usually clear when a body is or is not a union. However, a statutory definition is necessary to determine what organizations are eligible for the various rights and duties accorded such bodies.&nbsp.The formation of joint standing machinery in every industry and in every unit of industry can avoid industrial conflicts – major or minor. The general trend of various countries at present is towards the association of workers in the management of industries. It is necessary, if this is to yield profitable results, that the working class must be trained to comprehend the technical details of the problem facing them and equally to present their case in a scientific manner. Here, as anywhere else, there is the need for a strong, scientific and unified labor movement, which can speak with authority, not merely on the questions affecting the workers, but on all matters connected with the industry.&nbsp.

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