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Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on responsibility for environmental problems.
Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on responsibility for environmental problems. Green thus suggests a greater need for interdisciplinary scholarship to solve environmental challenges resulting from increased and interdependent global crises. Green theory arose after World War Two as a counteractive measure to advancement of technology based on higher energy consumption resulting from pollution in total disregard for sustainable ecology.
Thus, Green Theory and Green Political parties emerged to advocate ecological responsibility, social justice, non-violence and grassroots democracy being overlooked by state and state systems. Green Theory thwarts socialism and liberalism since the two concepts of accepted ideology of industrialization negate the ecological and social costs of their activities (DUNNE, KURKI & SMITH 2013, 46). Consequently, Green writers advocate ‘ecocentric’ philosophy that perceives all creatures of the earth as having values independent of human beings. The subsequent movement of Green Theory came in 1990s and sought to transcend traditional environmentalist notion through advancing its coverage to a more cosmopolitan philosophy. Such new framework to green theory attempted to transform traditional mechanisms to general concepts like justice, democracy, and rights through stressing how the environment is linked to all aspects of humanity. Thus, green theorist attaches state and state systems as accountable units to environmental problems and suggests that collective actions of states can help remedy such daunting environmental challenges.
The paper reviews a burgeoning literature on the environment based on two principle cohorts of authors. on one end, International Relations scholars and, in other category, a number of ‘green writers’ primarily environmental activists, biologist as well as philosophers. Such cohorts are in convention based on a narrow definition of global environmental change thus emphasize on similar four or five environmental challenges of climate change (thinning .of Ozone layer, polluting international waters, tropical deforestation) attributed to a ‘state’ of the environment reporting.