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Your essays should be about 1000 words, in 12 font and double-spaced. This means you should devote a good paragraph or more to each part. Include the word count at the top of the assignment.Please mak

Your essays should be about 1000 words, in 12 font and double-spaced. This means you should devote a good paragraph or more to each part. Include the word count at the top of the assignment.

Please make an effort with your grammar and your spelling. I require university-level work.

According to Haysbusa 2 ONLY Answer Question 6 A&B  and Question 7 A&B!

ENGR 370: Astronautics & Space

                                         ( Hayabusa 2) 

Hayabusa2: This mission launched a Japanese asteroid-sampling spacecraft in December 2014. It successfully rendezvoused with asteroid Ryugu on June 27, 2018. For 18 months, the probe will poke, prod and impact the asteroid, deploying a small lander and three rovers. It will then blast an artificial crater to analyze material below the asteroid's surface. After that, the probe will head back to Earth, arriving near the end of 2020 with samples in tow. On Sep. 20, 2018, the spacecraft dropped two tiny robots on the surface of the 3,000-foot-wide asteroid. Gravity on the surface of Ryugu is very weak, so a rover propelled by normal wheels or crawlers would float upwards as soon as it started to move. Therefore, the rovers will move autonomously by hopping on the surface. The rovers are expected to remain in the air for up to 15 minutes after a single hop before landing, and to move up to 15 m horizontally. The mission is a follow-up of Hayabusa, which returned samples of asteroid Itokawa to Earth in 2010 despite numerous technical difficulties.

    Table of contents

1) Introduction

2) Japan Space Agency (JAXA)

3) Hayabusa2 Mission Overview  

a. The goal of the Mission (relates to Hayabusa)

            b. Comparison of the Orbits between Ryugu, Earth and other planets

c.  Asteroid:  162173 Ryugu  

                    d.  Similarities/Differences of Mission Hayabusa and Hayabusa 2

4) Past/future timeline of the mission and current progress

A. The launch of the project/satellite

           B. Trajectory

            C. Progress and Achievements so far

5) Data and sample collection

            A. Rovers


b. Mascot  

B. Subsurface and sample collection

                      a. Carry on impactor-SCI  (creates a crater hole on surface)

6) Return to the earth 

A. Recent capsule

B. Ion engines system

7.) Why is this mission important?                             

  A. Comparison of materials collected to materials found on Earth

  B. Did life on Earth first come from asteroids?

8.) Conclusion and Summary

9.) References

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**** **** Astronautics ***** ******* ****** ** *** ****** ****** capsuleThe *** ********* ** the ******** ** ** ****** specialized ******* *********** ** ****** * *********** and ******* ** **** ** *** closer asteroids ** ***** **** and ******** 225-232) utilizing ** ******** *** ****** ****** ** its ******** **** ** *** **** the ******** When an examining instrument and *** example **** take ****** down ** the ******** the ******* device is ** be ******** ** *** ******* which **** ***** *** ***** ************ ***** the ********** ****** ********* ********** ****** ***** **** *** ******** The ongoing case ******* earth ** 2010 ** returned to *** ***** *** *** **** ******** trip of *** **** *** accomplished ** 13th of **** 2010 ** *** ******* Prohibited Area ***** Australia ** *** last *********** of *** ***** ******* to *** ******* ** *** ********* ****** edge ** *** ******* position * progression of ******** course **** ********** was ******** ***** ******** confirmation *********** *** *** *** **** ************* ** ** ********* ** *** ********** ******* After **** ******* a motivation flag *** *** ** *** ********* **** ** *** *** arrangement ** *** **** ********* *** **** utilization ** *** estimation ** *** ******** by streamlined drag ** indicated ** *** ********* ** the ******* weightThe ********* ** *** case amid **** ** ********* *** kept *** ********* the **** *** ********** ** ******* ***** the ************ arriving ** *** **** under 1km from *** ********* ******* point ** ******* ** *** past ***** the ************ ********* *** *** *** fireside **** ****** **** likewise found *** ********* Later ** the example ******** *** reviewed inside *** **** where **** **** *** ******** was ********* and ******** *** ********** ******* instruments *** ** *** **** **** *** ** *** ***** ********* *** ********** of *** asteroid ***** residue is *** progressing ***** **** **** **** ************* *** *********** ** the close ********* ****** ******* ** **** Hayabusa ******* *** *** ******* ******** the ******* ************ *** engines ****** *** key ***** ** ************ electric *** ****** is *** generation ** ****** ***** ********** Ion ****** ** *** ** ******** ***** at ionized **************** gas by a ****** ******** field as **** ** ********** ** ** **** speed **** ** this **** of ********** ***** **** ***** than ******** *** engines which *** *** *********** ** **** *** ** ******** ******** ion engines **** **** **** **** ********* and *** **** acceleration for a **** time *** ****** ** *** *** ******* **** **** ************ * ***** **** ** conventional ones ******* ********** ********* plates ** *** ion engines out ** * ************* ******* material that ** ******* ***** ********* of ******** everything *** **** a *** ********** *** **** people but the ********** **** ** on *** way **** ** ***** is now ** * ********* ** can *** better which ** *** ***** have ever imagined at the launch ***** the ******** Hayabusa *** **** * *** of *** ********* ** landing ** Itokawa *** ******* **** **** **** usable *** *** return **** *** a ****** ***** for an attitude control *** the *** ******* ** Hayabusa ** *** ******* ******* safely *** the ******** ****** come **** capsule ** ************* reclaimed on ***** *** ****** **** ** important *** **** ** the *********** sense *** **** ** the ***** ** science (Hitoshi ** ** ************ *** ** this ******* important? * ********** ** ********* ********* ** materials ***** ** EarthEach of *** ******** **** *** ********* *** *** ******** *** carried *** **** ********* ** *** ******* and firm’s ********* ******* ********* that *** ******** ********* ** the ***** ****** collection ** * ****** ** surface ********* **** ** ******** ** *********** ******** **** the ******** explorer *** snatched some grams ** surface ******* **** *** ********** ******** ***** ******* *** *** real ****** **** ** confirmed when ********** comes **** to earth Earth ********* ******* Silicates ***** *** very common *** ** *** ***** ** *** solar ****** ***** *** **** ** oxygen *** silicon *** **** are *** main *** two ** the ********** of *** ******** of the ***** ** *** ******** *** materials gathered *** ****** ******** ***** *** ************ **** out of ** ** 80% **** *** 20% ***** ** ******* ****** ********* ********* gold and ******** ******** with ********* ******** metals *** ********** ********* rhodium and ****** *** platinum ********* ****** *** the **** ******** ********** ** ***** Anyway ** ********* by Hayabusa ******* it ******* ** ******* * *********** close ***** ******** *** thought that ** was *********** *** *** **** **** ** *** minerals pyroxene and ******* ***** *** ******* ********** to * ***** ** stony ******** ***** ***** **** ******** ***** ********** ******* **** ******* **** ** account ** **** *** clarified ***** *** ********* investigation ** filtering and ********** ******** ********** ** * ********** ******** ** ******** **** *** ********* ***** anarchic olivine **** encompassing *** ******** ******** *** ****** *** Other ******* ****** ************ *********** ********* *** program ******** tiny ********** ** *** ******* ***** ******* ********* ***** recommends **** *** **** be of LL-chondrite *********** ** of **** ************** This **** ******** *********** **** ******* ******* littler scale **** ** their ******** *** have ***** *********** ******* transformative ****** *** **** ****** ** with *********** brokenness ****** ** ** ***** *** life ** ***** ***** **** **** *********** ******** ********** *** ******* at an ******** ******** ** millions ********** **** *** ***** ***** * 35-year ******* on the mission to **** ** the ****** ** **** *** rocket ********* ** ******** on ******** 2014 for *** ******** Ryugu ** the ************ mission to get tests **** specialists expectation will ********** ********* ** ****** identified **** *** manner ** which **** ******* Its ******* **** mission ** *** ** take around 6 ***** Japan ********* *********** ****** ****** told the ***** **** ********** **** as arranged *** *** **** *** ****** at *** ******** ******** * **** **** * ****** of ****** ******** ***** **** over *** ******** *** recording *** outside ****** touchdown At that ***** ** **** utilize ***** explosives ** shoot * ****** ** ***** glance *** ********* *** ********* ****** ********* *** said to be framed ** *** ********* of *** nearby planetary group *** specialists propose **** ***** *** **** natural ******** **** *** **** a ********** ** life ** ***** ** ***** ****** the ******* room ******* ** ********* ** ******** 2 ***** *** ******** **** * *** researchers ******** *** ******** ** **** shook hands *** ********* proposed **** **** *** *** *** most part mitigated **** the ****** **** ******* ** ******* *** **** ******* **** ********** ** the event **** *** ** ** needs be Hayabusa 2 ** ****** upon ** take around **** *** * **** ***** ** *** ***** **** and return ** earth **** ***** ****** *** ****** ** 2020 *** **** that ***** ******** ****** ******* ***** ******** ** al ****************** Lau C O *** N D ******** ************** ** ********** ***************** ** ******** ******* *** Dynamics103 ******* ************** ********* "Reentry ******* *** ****** Return **** Asteroids ** *** Planetary Exploration **************** of ******** ********** ****** Vol **** ** * *** ********** 2018Kuninaka ******* ** al *********** ** ****** ************ and ****** ****** ** *** ******** ******** ******** propelled ** ********* ********* *** ************ transactions ** ****** science345 (2006): *************** Lindsay * *** *** * ****** "A ************ ******** ********** study ** ******* ******** ************ Planets and Space661 ******* ************* ***** ** ** *********** *** ****** ************** ** ** ***************** ******* **** ********* evidence for ***** metamorphism collisional ************* and ** ********* ************ ******* *** ******** ******* ********** * et ** "The ****** ** the MASCOT ******** lander ** ***** ******** ******* Science ************* ******* *******

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