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Your final project should contain files: Each file/playlist should contain the song name, artist name, time, genre, vocal/instrumental/and image 1.
Your final project should contain files: Each file/playlist should contain the song name, artist name, time, genre, vocal/instrumental/and image
1. A "finished" version of your entire music list, in one or many tables (your choice). The entire version should have ALL components
Upload file name: "finalAccess_YourName."
2. A suggested songs playlist for the following wedding events:
a. Pre-wedding "mingle" music, all genres, no instrumentals, for 35 minutes Upload file name "Pre-wedding_YourName" The playlist should contain the song name, artist name, time, genre, vocal/instrumental/and image
b. Entry music:
Suggestions of songs 3:30 to 4 minutes long, mixed instrumental and vocal Upload file name "EntryMusicSuggestions_YourName" " The playlist should contain the songname, artist name, time, genre, vocal/instrumental/and image
c. Dinner music: a suggested playlist of instrumental music for background at dinner. Your list should be 26 minutes to 28:30 minutes long
Upload file name "DinnerMusic_YourName"
d. Dance music: suggested playlists for four sets. Each set should be a different genre and should last 22:30 to 25 minutes long. Pick one main artist for at least the first 9 minutes of each set. Then you can add similar artists in the same genre.
The four playlists can be put together into one file OR uploaded as separate files: Upload Name: either 4DancePlaylists_YourName or DancePlaylist1_YourName, DancePlaylist2_YourName, DancePlaylist3_YourName, DancePlaylist4_YourName
In case you forgot, here's the original assignment for the music list:
Columns should include Artist or Recording Group, name of recording (song), genre, length, (instrumental, vocal with instrumental backup, or only vocal). Year song was written (this might take a Google search for some) and year of recording. See if you can also add a note if this is the original artist recording or someone singing another group's work.
Have a backup image file for an image that represents each recording. This might be a copy of the CD label, a picture of the artist or a picture that illustrates the title.
Name your file: Music_YourName and submit it.