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YOUR NAME HERE Assignment 4, Chapter 7, Page 176 No. 2, Ryder v. Powers Facts: Ryder leased a truck to Florida Food Service; Powers, an employee,...

Can you help determine the rule, application and conclusion?

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YOUR NAME HEREAssignment 4, Chapter 7, Page 176 No. 2, Ryder v. PowersFacts: Ryder leased a truck to Florida Food Service; Powers, an employee, drove it to makedeliveries. Powers noticed that the door strap used to close the rear door was frayed, and heasked Ryder to fix it. Ryder failed to do so in spite of numerous requests. The strap broke, andPowers replaced it with a nylon rope. Later, when Powers was attempting to close the rear door,the nylon rope broke and he fell, sustaining severe injuries to his neck and back. He sued Ryder.Issue: Whether Ryder had a duty to Powers to repair the broken door strap. Whether Powers’repairing of the door strap was either “so highly unusual or so bizarre” as to be the cause of hisinjuries (a superseding cause), thus releasing Ryder from liability.Rule: [You supply this.]Application: [You supply this.]Conclusion: [You supply this.]
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