THE THEME WILL BE WAR PORTRAYED IN ART!! Your assignment is to curate a virtual exhibition. For this assignment you will act as the curator and create an online exhibition organized around 1 theme. Yo
Art & Design
This week you will use your readings from the past week as a point of departure to create your own artistic production and a reflection paper. Part 1: Art Creation Select a poem, musical piece, or dan
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This week you will use your readings from the past two weeks as a point of departure to create your own artistic production and a reflection paper. Part 1: Art Creation Select one of the visual art pi
Art & Design
In this journal entry you should reflect upon art as a part of the community through ritual. Use an example either from your own life or from research online, link below, to present an example of art
Art & Design
You’re a copywriter for a major brand. Your team writes all the text that goes into advertisements, blog posts, social media, brochures, packaging, and webpages for the brand. While your job is to foc
Art & Design
Read Chapter 13 Nature, Knowledge, and Technology, page 377 to page 408. Watch the following videos to assist in your discussion assignment: EARTHWORKS. LAND ART. EARTH ART. Whatever you call it, we l
Art & Design
In this Journal Entry reflect upon how art has been used in history to persuade people, art as propaganda. While propaganda is a vast subject and not easy to define, for example even advertisement can
Art & Design
Art is a reflection of our life experience and therefore is the reflection of individual identities. Choose an art piece from The Met Timeline of art and provide a reflection upon how it represents th
Art & Design
Read Chapter 12 Race, Gender, Clan, and Class, page 341 to page 376. Watch the following videos as part of your focus in the discussion: veido to watch 1 Can art amend history? | Titus Kaphar 2 Hundre
Art & Design
Compare and contrast the “shared” heritage of the Christian West and the Christian East with Islamic culture. Consider the motifs borrowed and adapted to fit within the tenets of Islam. How were they
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Power, Politics & Glory including Social Protest/Affirmation Read Chapter 9 Power, Politics, and Glory, page 244 to page 278.andRead Chapter 10 Social Protest/Affirmation, page 279 to 307.Assignme
Art & Design
For this project you will write a 3 page paper on an artist of your choice. Your paper should include biographical information about the artist that helped to shape their work. It should also include
Art & Design
Explore the article 50 Iconic Buildings Around the World and choose 1 that you would like to research. Provide a 450 word summary of the history of the building, providing a visual analysis of the bui
Art & Design
In My Bondage and My Freedom, Frederick Douglass argues that slavery was an institution that “victimized” everyone – slaves, slave holders, and non-slave holding whites alike. How can he make such a
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This will take time- please do not rush this assignment. Note: Dropbox Files are FREE. >> You will SELECT a Work of Art that INSPIRES YOU for this assignment, and you will write an Art Critiqu
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FINAL PROJECT As we will end this course in the 1960s, your final project is intended give you a window of the space between then and now. Your final project is based on these two parts: Part 1: Mini
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Read Pages: 382-387, 392-394 (de Kooning, Pollock, and Rothko), 326-329, 412-414 (Giacometti), and 435-437 (Bacon) in History of Modern Art by Arnason, 7th edition.Fully explore the Post-WWII Reaction
Art & Design
Week 8 Discussion: Interdisciplinary Works1313 unread replies.1313 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 15LessonMinimum of 1 primary sou
Art & Design
Week 7 Assignment: Controversial Art and Censorship Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 14LessonMinimum of 1 primary sources (artist statement)M
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Examine the development of the creative industries
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Week 7 Discussion: TV as Art Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 13, 14LessonMinimum of 1 primary or scholarly source (from actor/director or cr
Art & Design
choose a piece of art it can be a painting, sculpture , vase ETC. attach it with the file , using your choice of art fill out all four pages of the form very simple.
Art & Design
ARTS 1201 Art History Survey 1 Final Project Imagine that you are a curator for an art museum in charge of creating and organizing the museum’s displays. Put together a proposal for the next exhibit f
Art & Design
Week 6 Discussion: Photography and Cinema Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11Lesson 1, 2Minimum of 1 primary or Week 6 Discussion: Photography and Cinema Requir
Art & Design
You are an independent contractor who has been hired by a multinational technology company to increase productivity at one branch office. The location in question is failing miserably and your contrac
Art & Design
Week 6 Discussion: Photography and Cinema Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11Lesson 1, 2Minimum of 1 primary or Week 6 Discussion: Photography and Cinema Requir
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Week 6 Discussion: Photography and Cinema44 unread replies.55 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11Lesson 1, 2Minimum of 1 primary or
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3 of these need to be done you must pick a painting of your choice (add as a separate file) and follow the questions on the list.
Art & Design
Compare the voting qualifications of Northern and Southern states between 1865 and 1910.
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Week 5 Assignment: Art Creation – Music/Dance/Poetry Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 9, 10LessonMinimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition
Art & Design
Week 5 Discussion: Music and Dance11 unread reply.1111 replies. Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 9, 10Minimum of 1 primary source (from artis
Art & Design
Instructions Write a 2-3 page summary on the 4 artists (Edvard Munch, Henri Matisse and the art of the German Expressionists: Die Brücke (or The Bridge) and Der Blaue Reiter (or The Blue Rider) and t
Art & Design
Week 4 Assignment: Essay – Play Analysis Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 8Play from the Internet, YouTube, DVD, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, e
Art & Design
Compare and contrast the works of two African American visual artists, one living, one deceased. Choose artists that speak to YOU. Seven pages minimum including images. You will write a 6-8 page Rese
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Introduction to the Humanities Week 4 Discussion:Literary Movements Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 7, 8LessonMinimum of 1 scholarly sou
Art & Design
Week 3 Discussion: Influences of Ancient Architecture Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 6Lesson 2Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition
Art & Design
Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Lessons: Week 1, 2, 3Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)Instructions
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Theater Essay (400 min to 500 max) Select one of the two topics below. Respond to the topic with a minimum of 400 words and no more than 500 words. Submit your answers in one document. 1. Discuss the
Art & Design
Music Essay (400 min to 500 max words) Select one of the two topics below. Respond to the topic with a minimum of 400 words and no more than 500 words. Submit your answers in one document. 1. Trace th
Art & Design
Basic Level Website, HTML Just around 3 pages I can provide images Would like to communicate through discord Anime Jesus#9001
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Need help making a website for homework
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Lazy Bird assignment
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Lazy Bird Assignment
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Art Essay (400 min to 500 max words)Select one of the two topics below. Respond to the topic with a minimum of 400 words and no more than 500 words. Submit your answers in one document. 1. Explain why
Art & Design
MUSI200 I004 Spring 2022 Goal: The goal of this discussion is to explore the history, culture, instruments and musical elements of a specific style of non-Western music from one of the world's local c
Art & Design
Write a 350-word short essay that compares the characteristics, techniques, and technology of traditional acrylic painting and inkjet transfer printing. Consider some of the following questions: How h
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Journal Word length: 1,200 words (+ 10% on the upper limit — means don’t go mad, but at the same time don't stress if your word length goes even bigger! It is good to be brief, especially when describ
Art & Design
Journal Word length: 1,200 words (+ 10% on the upper limit — means don’t go mad, but at the same time don't stress if your word length goes even bigger! It is good to be brief, especially when describ
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Journal Word length: 1,200 words (+ 10% on upper limit — means don’t go mad, but at the same time don't stress if your word length goes even bigger! It is good to be brief, especially when describing
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WK4 Assignment: Concerts Across Time Goal: The goal of this assignment is to compare a performance of Classical music to pop/rock music using musical terminology to express your ideas. Course Objectiv
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