InstructionsFor this assignment, select five objects from your home that have graphic design elements on them. For example, you could select five food products, five consumer product packages, or five
Art & Design
Part I: Photography For this part of the assignment, select a current news article from AP News (you may use their website or an article from the World News section of your newspaper) that contains at
Art & Design
Part I: PhotographyFor this part of the assignment, select a current news article from AP News (you may use their website or an article from the World News section of your newspaper) that contains at
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Instructions 1. For this assignment, you will create a collage either by hand or digitally, using PowerPoint or another application you are comfortable using. For inspiration for your collage, please
Art & Design
Instructions 1. For this assignment, you will create a collage either by hand or digitally, using PowerPoint or another application you are comfortable using. For inspiration for your collage, please
Art & Design
1. Design principles help artists organize their artwork. In many ways, the principles of design are similar to the way we organize our daily lives. For example, you could relate rhythm to your daily
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Instructions 1. For this assignment, you will select a 2D print from your home, workplace, or online art museum gallery that interests you. Take a photograph of the 2D print or save an image of the pr
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For this assignment, you will select a painting from an online gallery to discuss with your peers. Select one of the three approaches described at length in the unit lesson: technical, historical, or
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Instructions For this assignment, you will select a 2D drawing from your home or in your workplace that interests you. Take a photograph of the 2D drawing or save the drawing image and include it in t
Art & Design
Instructions For this assignment, you will select a piece of 2D art that interests you from your home. Any art that is flat or only has two dimensions: length and height but no depth is 2D art. There
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Explain one way in which an artist of the late 20th and early 21st century has referred to the work of an earlier artist (art made before 1945) in their own work.
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Should be no longer than 1 – 2 typed pages Report on a work of art from a gallery, museum, or any original work of art from another source, such as, an artist you may know. The report should inclu
Art & Design
What effect did Herbert Spencer’s Social Darwinism have on 19th century economics, social beliefs and, in turn, the arts? The art from Africa, Oceania and Native people of America became a major sour
Art & Design
Make an outline of a building with complete occupancy , location , exposures, access, utilities , fire load and hazard , water supply, protection systems. It’s for a fire technology class
Art & Design
Please divide your submission into the sections as indicated below: I. Give the basic label information for the two works provided. II. In essay format please compare the two works using the Feminist
Art & Design
Please choose an "ism" to begin writing your next (and last) paper. I have created a list from which all of you must choose ONE to research. However, each person must choose a different "ism" and it i
Art & Design
A hand mic clipped to a desk stand can serve as a desk mic. true or false
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1. Listen to the two versions of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (the Fisk Jubilee Quartet and the art-song arrangement by Harry T. Burleigh) from Ch. 50 in your Playlist and included below as well. Compare
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(1) Katastwóf Karavan, created by Kara Walker, is a wagon that has a calliope inside of it. Katastwóf Karavan, is installed at Algiers Point on the bank of the Mississippi River and was activated d
Art & Design
Please read Chapter 27 and answer the following questions: "From the moment of its invention, photography threatened to expropriate the realistic image, until then the exclusive property of painting
Art & Design
(1) Equestrian Monument of Bartolomeo Colleoni and Judd's Untitled (Stack), differ in process and material. Donald Judd wrote an essay titled Specific Objects, where he described a tendency among
Art & Design
This is our first project using Soundation. Although there is not a specific genere that we are shooting for, the minimum parameters are listed below: 2 tracks with audio loops2 tracks with midi loops
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First artwork Soul Keepers Members: Courtney Harnois, Kareesha (Nia) Henry, Stephanie Jepson, Vivian Le Both artworks relate to an intimate form of violence. "Love shouldn't hurt," depicts a victim of
Art & Design
First artwork Soul Keepers Members: Courtney Harnois, Kareesha (Nia) Henry, Stephanie Jepson, Vivian Le Both artworks relate to an intimate form of violence. "Love shouldn't hurt," depicts a victim o
Art & Design
What is the name of his most famous painting?
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Im supposed to do a project on the theme “nature abstracted“ (an advert for a nature reserve that is shot from the poin of view of A creature within the park). i had the project done but it got lost s
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Kara Walker & Jason Moran video https://art21.org/watch/extended-play/kara-walker-jason-moran-sending-out-a-signal-short/ Kara Walker is an artist that uses non-traditional forms. Her work is fe
Art & Design
https://wwnorton.com/common/mplay/6.11/p=/thameshudson/gatewaystoart2/vid/MoMA/&f=MoMA_th_judd_untitled_mp&ft=mp4&cc=1 Verrocchio and Judd Compare Equestrian Monument of Bartolomeo Coll
Art & Design
CRITIQUE Let's show off the fruits of our labor! This is your opportunity to exchange opinions about your Truisms and give each other feedback. Each student will write a 100 word response in this foru
Art & Design
The fine line between failure and success is a Risk
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Instructions To begin, read about Jenny Holzer and her Truisms: Jenny Holzer and her Work After reading about Jenny Holzer, now it’s your turn to make: TRUISMS: A SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT As a group, st
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discuss the basic steps in the process, the visual characteristics associated with it, and any advantages and/or disadvantages.
Art & Design
Question 1 There is an element of performance in Pollock's drip paintings. True False Question 2 What is INCORRECT about Jackson Pollock? A. He is from Cody, Wyoming, a town known for its
Art & Design
Many scholars make the case that Beethoven changed music. What do you interpret that change to have been and can you explain the differences between the sounds of Beethoven's music and that of the ear
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Why does Western music have a more broad appeal than that of the Baroque era?
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Instructions To begin, read about Jenny Holzer and her Truisms: Jenny Holzer and her Work After reading about Jenny Holzer, now it’s your turn to make: TRUISMS: A SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT As a group, st
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Instructions To begin, read about Jenny Holzer and her Truisms: Jenny Holzer and her Work After reading about Jenny Holzer, now it’s your turn to make: TRUISMS: A SOCIAL JUSTICE PROJECT As a group, st
Art & Design
Video link to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37bSb-aQ4BM Question 1 Great Waves of Hokusai is an oil painting. True False Question 2 In Gonzalez-Torres's Untitled (Portrait of Ros
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Degas, The Millinery Shop The Millinery Shop by Degas is at the Chicago Art Institute. The Art Institute is both a very famous art school and an equally famous art museum. Follow this link and view
Art & Design
Museum Research Assignment #4 requires you to go online and find selected works of art housed either in the art collections of the Dallas-Fort Worth area or in museums outside our area. Please submit
Art & Design
(1) Yale student architect, Maya Lin, entered and won a contest to design a Vietnam War memorial in Washington, D.C. Her design was relatively minimalistic and modern when compared to what we histori
Art & Design
First, watch the video about Maya Lin’s Vietnam War memorial posted in this module. Then read your textbook chapter 4.7 to learn about the controversies surrounding Lin’s memorial. Next, visit a war
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Three of the questions from this quiz involve reading the following article about Frederic Church . Pages from american-paintings-19th-century-part-1.pdf file:///C:/Users/Esohe/AppData/Local/Temp/Pag
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All the instructions are attached, please read carefully. Thank you
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This the video link- --------- Death and salvation in renaissance Florence: Masaccio, The Holy Trinity - YouTube Question(!) Why does Ugolino da Siena's Last Supper look somewhat unnatural? A.
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De acuerdo al contenido del tema contenido de las paginas 73 a la 79 realiza las actividades de la pagina 80 de tu libro de texto
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Film: Tim's Vermeer In the previous chapter we studied how painters used techniques such as perspective to deploy an appearance of a three dimensional space into a flat canvas surface. Master painters
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Select a children’s book illustrator who has been awarded the Caldecott Medal or Honor and analyze 2-3 of their illustrations, explain how their artistic elements (line, shape, space, value, form, tex
Art & Design
Select a children’s book illustrator who has been awarded the Caldecott Medal or Honor and analyze 2-3 of their illustrations, explain how their artistic elements (line, shape, space, value, form, tex
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Discussion Forum 2: The Power of Photography Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California, 1936 Dorothea Lange's unforgettable photograph of a destitute mother and her children was initially o
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