Unit IV Project Cumulative Investing Project This cumulative investing project will help you to understand the factors, decisions, and ethics that influence the performance of multinational corporat
Business & Finance
I need to write a Project Plan for my Cybersecurity Project management course. I will attach the instructions in a document below, along with the project charter. Thank you!
Business & Finance
Week 4 Assignment - Creating a Small BusinessToo often, entrepreneurs brimming with optimism and enthusiasm launch businesses destined for failure because their founders never stop to define a workabl
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Step 1: In 250-500 words, give an overview of the company, describing their business, brief history, and your initial thoughts on the organization’s strategy and business model. The company will be ba
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Start by reading and following these instructions: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your 3-4 sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Start by reading and foll
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Discussion Post: First, please tell us whether (and why) you think that there are universal ethical values or if all ethics are relative? Second, please provide an example of individual bias in normat
Business & Finance
Hi, anyone who can help me with these finance related questions? It's 4 questions and I don't expect much. It's about Project evaluation etc.
Business & Finance
Throughout the course, you will need to identify various technology trends and sources of data that will help you understand those things impacting your CLC’s company. Sources may include the followin
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I need help with this
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Need help writing my discussion post. Here is the question: First, explain how ethics and law are related, and how they can be both the same and different. Next, provide at least two detailed contemp
Business & Finance
Discuss how doing case analysis will help you develop skills needed to prepare recommendations for consideration in a Strategic Plan. What is a business model and how can it disrupt a company, industr
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1. introduction A proposal for a new vision and mission that you feel would better represent the company. 2. An IFE and EFE OR a SWOT Analysis 3. Recommendations on strategic directions for the compa
Business & Finance
Start by reading and following these instructions: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your 3-4 sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Assignment: Answer these
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Choose an international company (not based in the United States) on which to base your journal entry. Reflect on the company, the concepts in the unit, and the current economic environment in which th
Business & Finance
assessment of the present value of your organization: what it would be worth in today’s market in its present state and might be worth if this strategy is successful. The course only touches on valuat
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why there is only 3 question
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Prepare 10-12 PowerPoint slides to present a supply chain management plan, including your analysis and recommendations for a supply chain design and logistics, for a provided scenario or business of y
Business & Finance
Prepare a 7-page demand management plan, including a forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling analysis, as well as recommendations, for a provided scenario or business of your choice. Int
Business & Finance
Develop a 7-page process improvement plan for a provided scenario or a business and process of your choice, using data to support your recommendations. Introduction This portfolio work project, a proc
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what is the average unit of sale of a restaurant that serves $2,100 in meals to 115 customers per day
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what dilemma does joseph face as summit maritime prepares to relocate its business?
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Choose an international company (not based in the United States) on which to base your journal entry. Reflect on the company and the concepts in the unit while considering the current exchange rate an
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The below are instructions.The questions and guidlines are in the atttched guidlines . Overview: For the sake of practicing using sources, you will write a 1000-word essay that argues a thesis. This e
Business & Finance
Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your 3-4 sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Assignment: Answer these essay questions: Essay #1: Case Study: Astro Airlin
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Start by reading and following these instructions: Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling. Assignment: 1. Do you believe
Business & Finance
Unit II Project Cumulative Investing Project This project will help you to understand the factors, decisions, and ethics that influence the performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) and fore
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Describe the industry disruptions that Zip is confronted with? Why should Diamond conduct a MOST Analysis? What are the factors influencing customer expectations? What are the ways in which Zip can ap
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Describe the industry disruptions that Zip is confronted with? Why should Diamond conduct a MOST Analysis? What are the factors influencing customer expectations? What are the ways in which Zip can ap
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This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In yo
Business & Finance
Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social responsibility. If you do not currently work for a company, pick a company that supports corporate social responsibility. Are there pro
Business & Finance
Using the CSU Online Library, find two articles on information systems best practices. The Academic Search Ultimate database will provide you with excellent articles on this concept. Discuss some of t
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This assignment provides you with an opportunity to think critically about business ethics, business relationships, leadership, and how each contributes to an organization's overall culture. Write a 5
Business & Finance
Implementation Plan: Part 3 For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project, you will complete the fina
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Choose an international company on which to base your journal entry. Find a recent online article about your chosen company that discusses international finance, provides real-world examples, and disc
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https://www.mediafire.com/file/594trdvz1j6tcwf/IMG_9542.jpeg/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/hlxgmmahr47fyno/IMG_9543.jpeg/ https://www.mediafire.com/file/x68n9uzw102uu2g/IMG_9547.jpeg/file https:
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https://www.mediafire.com/file/p97fhaoxxgv1tlr/Case+Analysis+2.docx/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/p97fhaoxxgv1tlr/Case+Analysis+2.docx/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/pvj9ajipjy58ekk/Sample+
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PLEASE USE THE COMMENTS BELOW TO REVISE THE DISCUSSION BELOW: Ten skills presented by Dwight for Easy Chairs: Week Two: Communication Skill #1- Communicate well in multiple ways, modes and listen acti
Business & Finance
I dont want any plagiarism I am attaching dataset as well https://www.mediafire.com/file/9bg9qbgsaxhbg4f/Web_Analytics_Data+(3).xlsx/file Introduction As the vigilant monitors of the Zappos.com web
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Prepare a 3-4-page report on how you plan to approach employee talent development, employee success, retention, and the employee experience issues with viable recommendations for solutions. What is th
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Prepare a 10-12 slide presentation to persuade the company's owner of the many positive changes that support the employee experience and the value of performance management. Each slide should include
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1) Based on the theoretical framework(PowerPoint will show) develop the Research Objectives -> Research questions(primary Research )only within the scope of the literature review. A) Research Obj
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What could a financial manager look at to determine whether his company is successful or in distress? Give an example of a success or distress in today's business world. 400 to 800 words with citatio
Business & Finance
Learning Activity #1 Based on your experience within your current team/group, please share in your post your team’s strengths and weaknesses. Also, share new ideas of thoughts you have experienced as
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Bridging Assignment: You are welcome to Generate some ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on a few steps:1) Idea generation//2) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT//3) New product/service pl
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Bridging Assignment: You are welcome to Generate some ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on a few steps:1) Idea generation//2) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT//3) New product/service pl
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Bridging Assignment: You are welcome to Generate some ideas for an innovative product or service. Focus on a few steps: 1) Idea generation//2) Opportunity evaluation and SWOT//3) New product/service p
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I don't want any plagiarism I am attaching the data set for the project Introduction As the vigilant monitors of the Zappos.com website, we are obsessed with who is coming to our website and what th
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I have attached the questions on the following pages.
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Read the Marketing Insight on Google found at the end of Chapter 2. Record and upload a video explaining your thoughts on the following: What is Google’s core business? What are the pros and cons of m
Business & Finance
Read “10 Deadly Marketing Sins” found at the end of Chapter 1. Choose two of the sins and develop your own solutions for each one. Discuss the marketing sins chosen and solutions.Requirements: Threade
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