Sports Club is an organization formed in order to help its members develop interest in certain sports. Usually, members interested in the same sport are divided into groups and an expert trainer is re
Computer Science
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A computer for rendering digital special effects has 8 processor cores. The rendering program has 20% serial portion and the rest of the rendering is parallelizable and can be run on any number of cor
Computer Science
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Hi, I have an assignment due on Friday, I have attached the instruction file. I am major in computer science.
Computer Science
Building ERD Diagram and programming
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Competency Summarize different data input/output formats and methods of joining data sources. Scenario You are a Sales Executive working for the Datalytic software technology company. Datalytic is a
Computer Science
Pls help I’m struggling
Computer Science
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Please see attached file. For last six questions. Write it in your own words or if you are using any source please site it and. Put each citation under each questions.
Computer Science
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The CIO of your organization has asked you to create a risk management and mitigation plan for security vulnerabilities. Select five vulnerabilities and align associated risks to a risk management f
Computer Science
Computer Science Assignment C++ : Split Evens Odds Project I need help with coding this project please help me out.
Computer Science
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Computer Science Homework C++ : Linked List Address Book Project I need help with coding this assigment.
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Hi, I need help with this assignment in an hour. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This practice exam has 6 questions 2. For each question: a. create a .doc or .docx file and name it after your name
Computer Science
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Please write a program yahtzee.py that computes the expected number of tries to win at Yahtzee. You may write a single function named experiment that rolls five dice over and over until all of them ar
Computer Science
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Course - Business Intelligence Discussion 1 (Chapter 1): Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples. Note: The first post (600-700 words)should
Computer Science
Business Process management notation exercise must be solved in Signavio workflow accelarator (https://www.signavio.com/) or camunda https://camunda.com/ I share here sample question and answer but i
Computer Science
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Overview: A Sports Club is an organization formed in order to help its members develop interest in certain sports. Usually, members interested in the same sport are divided into groups and an expert t
Computer Science
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If access specifier for a procedure is not specified, the default is Public. Selected Answer: True Answers: True False
Computer Science
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Hi Doc Im the one who was asking help for activity diagram on Signavio Softwar. we are also chatting so I increased the time schedule and the fee up to 45$
Computer Science
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Who else can you educate about the benefits and abuse of ICT
Computer Science
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I am trying to complete this assignment in VirutalBox using ubuntu as my VM and I have already configured my pfsense to my Ubuntu. The only issue is that I am unsure of how to provide internet connect
Computer Science
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1. Find the exercise that the user was not able to complete 3 attempts in, or the exercise that the user has not attempted. ◦ Show appropriate columns ◦ List in ascending order e
Computer Science
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AutoClick Limited (ACL) operates a used automotive sales garage in Accra with two categories of customers, namely Individual and wholesale Dealers. A whole sale dealer is a term used to describe anoth
Computer Science
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Hello there! I have an assignment where I have to fetch specific data (asked in questions) from a .csv file using Python code. I have attached questions along with a .csv file and a metadata file for
Computer Science
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The question is describes in the attached file below and the rubric is defined here. Final Exam Assignment F20Final Exam Assignment F20CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeB
Computer Science
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Create a MS Access database using the attached normalized tables, forms, validation rules, queries, reports, controls. Please read carefully the instructions attached.
Computer Science
Imagine you are the new IT director of a company that has just completed an IT audit and the findings pointed out several items that had been put in place without proper approval. Your first task is t
Computer Science
The question is attached below
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System Analysis and Design refers to the procedures of examining or developing business systems with the intent of improving it through industry standard methodology and framework. For this assignment
Computer Science
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Several open source and commercially available vulnerability scanners and audit assessment tools exist. For your discussion posting this week, I want you to identify 3 vulnerability scanners, explain
Computer Science
What is the problem with my code? var gunLoaded = true; var enemiesMovingLeft = false; var gameStarted = false; var enemiesRemaining = 4; var startTime; var elapsedTime; var energy_boltX; var energy_b
Computer Science
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Please read the instruction file and follow it exactly to make the final powerpoint by editing this powerpoint. All information and slides are given.
Computer Science
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Hi, I need help with this homework assignment.Thank you
Computer Science
Competency Describe multiple data sources currently in popular use. Scenario You are a Sales Executive working for the Datalytic software technology company. As part of your personal community servi
Computer Science
Sql project
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Vernam cipher (a) Consider the following letter encodings: A=000 E=001 H=010 J=011 L=100 N=101 O=110 T=111 Consider the following two ciphertexts C1= TAHNNL and C2=EOEOEA that are obtained
Computer Science
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Given an arbitrary text document written in English, write a program that will generate a concordance, i.e. an alphabetical list of all word occurrences, labeled with word frequencies. Bonus: label ea
Computer Science
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Given the following tables… PERSON ----------------------------------- PK person_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL first_name VARCHAR2(100) preferred_first_name VARCHAR2(100)
Computer Science
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Select one topic from the below areas Process synchronizationCPU schedulingDeadlock Choose two papers that relevant to the selected area, read and summarize the research work in the survey paper an
Computer Science
Prepare a survey paper and presentation on Molecular Mimicry between SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein and Human Protein. The following needs to be included in the survey paper: In this research paper,
Computer Science
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Good Day, I could use some assistance with a question that requires a double answer. Are familiar with the software FRHed? I need to know the step on how to complete the assignment, not the answer !!!
Computer Science
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Good Day, I could use some assistance with a question that requires a double answer. Are familiar with the software FRHed? I need to know the step on how to complete the assignment, not the answer !!!
Computer Science
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For this discussion posting, I'm asking you to research and present on the structure of email headers, X-headers, forward headers, and how these fields could be used to identify 1) a spearphishing att
Computer Science
Exercises 1) Create a text file on desktop as “data.txt” and write a program to read all values from file and write them on screen. 2) Create a text file on desktop as “text.txt”, content of file wil
Computer Science
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I need help with all of stage 2
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Hi, I will need help with this assignment.The assignment is attached.Thank you INT-1700: Understanding Operating Systems (Zero-cost course material) Unit 5 Lab Assignment : Network and Security
Computer Science
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Consider the importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as an IT manager in the small retail organization from Week 2. The previous measurement period has concluded, and you must prepare an updat
Computer Science
Hello, Your Research Project is due this week. It must consist of: 1. Five source annotated bibliography 2. Slide presentation with 12 or more slides 3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 wor
Computer Science
Python code for a quiz
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Python code
Computer Science
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An undirected bipartite graph G = (L, R, E) has two disjoint set of vertices L and R, and for every edge e ∈ E, one endpoint must be in L and another in R. We call a pair of distinct vertices u, v ∈ L
Computer Science
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Answer the following question (course cloud computing) Q1) In your own words, compareand contrast vertical andhorizontal scalling, Q2) In your own words explian the inportanceof the database read/writ
Computer Science
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