Write a 1500 word essay (4-5 pages)explaining the irony of the title "Trifles" as it relates to the play. Trifleswas written during a time when women were considered their husband's property. Explain
Chapter 1: Age Matters: Profiles of an Aging Society Global Aging and Longevity Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzM1MNBldXc After viewing the video, discuss the following. 1. What personal sto
Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to target uninformed consumers.
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Reply to discussion in 250-275 works, APA format with scholarly citation Before this course started, I did not think that the patients culture was important to consider in the health field. I just ass
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Japanese Research Culture *Subheadings should be used to address each requirement of the paper. Assignment Discuss the Health Care Practices construct of Purnell’s model as it relates to your selected
You will construct a 20-25 slide PowerPoint presentation. I have uploaded the following. 1. The instructions for the assignment. 2. The article you will focus on - the stability of the tomb of Neferta
Respond to this 250 words. 2 apa citations. The Affect of Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) of 2003 on Instructions in School It is evident in today’s schools that technology is an ever-gro
For this week's e-response, please watch Sarah Elizabeth Lewis's talk(Links to an external site.), (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEu9Circ95g)read Bell and Desai's short piece Actions, and answer th
Reflection Discussion Concepts: - Barriers in communication - The need for continuous cultural learning Assignment: 1. Briefly discuss concepts 2. What is the importance of these concepts to the profe
Scholar conversations are designed to be virtual discussions within groups. For this discussion, students should start by watching this interview with sociologist Dr. Forrest Stuart, associate profess
My topic: Global sexual violenceYou are now getting to the point where you want to start thinking about your sampling method. Sampling includes the nuts and bolts of data collection. Specifically, fro
https://youtu.be/xPO6BrFTsWMIn 1971, Stanford psychologist Philip Zimbardo conducted the "Stanford Prison Experiment" in the basement of the psychology department. The purpose was to see how average p
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In this course, you will be required to submit a Community Need Project Proposal designed to hypothetically improve some aspect of your community. This Community Need Project will require you to ident
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 5 and 6 in the textbook and the required articles for this week, and view the IQ: A history of deceit (Links to an external site.) video. http
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Guide to follow Paper # 1 outline: I. Introduction A. Attention-getter: A quote, a short story, a question, a fact. For example: Twenty five students enrolled in an English 1301 class for May minimest
This week's story is "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This story is long and you will need to READ it MORE THAN ONCE. Use your knowledge of this week's lecture and required resource
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Explain three examples of injustices or inequalities (negative impacts) that result from the global production system of food, as discussed in this article. Why is the contemporary system of food pro
The following question refers to the text Gus and Frieda: Geniuses at Recess. Read the paragraph and answer the question below it. The paragraphs have been labeled A, B, and C. The sentences in each p
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ATTACH TURNITIN Using your research question, working thesis, and outline create an annotated bibliography that provides a synopsis of your sources and an explanation of how you will use them. 1. Anno
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Interviews are some of the most powerful tools we have in career planning so I want you to have as much as experience with them as possible in this class. After identifying a setting that interests yo
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Interviews are some of the most powerful tools we have in career planning so I want you to have as much as experience with them as possible in this class. After identifying a setting that interests yo
This is a English class so just think of some obstacles or something you could have possibly learned. Reflective Essay for Extra Credit. If you choose, write a more formal essay (with thesis statement
Professional Experience #4Due at the end of Week 7 and worth 22 pointsFor Professional Experience #4, you will create an outline of your presentation in Word or Excel using short bullet points and key
Instructions:Answer Interact question 2 Discuss the relationship between the values associated with sport and the dominant values in your country. To what extent are these sets of values consistent wi
1. first FindPost an example of (or link to) something related to your personal or academic interest that you think is particularly creative. (If you can’t post a file or link, briefly describe your e
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Here, you will pick 3 various sources that you will synthesize into an essay. You will make a clear paper, focusing on your thesis statement. You will gather information on specific topics to explain
Draft of Introduction and Literature Review Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review draft assignment. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to beg
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MY ESSAY PROMPT: Food: How has your class status effected: the type of food/nutrition you have access to? Depending on our community, our location may impact our food access as well. What types of fo
Discussion 2.1In the article "Learning How to Code-Switch: Humbling, but Necessary," Eric Deggans describes his experiences with code switching. For your next discussion board, you should describe you
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Analyzing an Extended ArgumentWriting Assignmenton p 143. For this writing exercise, you will read the "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia on p. 144-145 (ignore the directions in the book that say "or ch
Direction: In this assignment, you are expected to write two emails, one formal, and one informal. You need to do the following: Read the email onp. 122 in the textbook about a requestfor a visit and
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Writer's Notebook 1.1The writer's notebook is a place for reflection and for practicing writing skills. Each unit in this course will include two writer's notebook assignments. Your first writer's not
Poetry Analysis – Rough Draft By the due date assigned, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. By the end of the week, comment on at least two of you
Assignment 3.1 Persuasive Speech Outline Due Week 6: 80 points 1) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your persuasive speech. o Topic A: Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones? Deliver a
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I am attaching the paper someone wrote for me and this is the feedback from my professor: Hi - Thank you for submitting your introductory speech. You earned a D (63%) on this speech. Please review my
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2-3 pages 12 font double spaced with standard margins read attached pdf -What does integrity mean to you? -Why is academic integrity important for students as they complete their coursework? -How does
Touchstone 1.1: Engage with a Work of ResearchASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. Thi
Choose a poem from the assigned readings, which are listed in the Syllabus and found in our course eBook. Title your discussion response with the poem’s title. This will help other students see which
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Explain three examples of injustices or inequalities (negative impacts) that result from the global production system of food, as discussed in this article. Why is the contemporary system of food pro
Assignment: Refer to Activity #10 "Providing Transitions" on page 106 of the textbook. Add appropriate transitions to tie together the sentences and ideas in the essay. Draw from the words given in th
With two-thirds of college seniors graduating with student loan debt, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars is proud to announce the Debt Reduction Award.NSCS will provide (4) $4,500 awards to r
Final paper: Assignment Content Review the paper draft you submitted in Week 3, the Self-Assessment worksheet and notes you completed in Week 4, and any feedback from your instructor. All these docume
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Read assignment instructions and watch video I posted. Then offer two critical assessments of the video; 1. Logical- Examine the assumptions in the video. An assumption “…provides relevance to… the st
Describe your preferred approaches for persuading others. Describe your preferred approaches for persuading others. What techniques do you tend to use the most? Do you use different techniques for dif
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1.What are some of Okonkwo’s characteristics? Think of how you’d describe him to someone who has not met him. Is he someone you’d like or dislike? Why? Based on what you’ve read so far, is Okonkwo rep
For each source listed, you will begin with a summary of the information you found in that specific source. The summary section gives your reader an overview of the important information from that sou
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Aspects of Othello. Analyze what motivates Iago. How does he gain the trust of everyone around him,and why i he able to successfully deceive so many people ? Examine his motivations as they relate to
Select one of the prompts below and follow the directions. Respond in a paragraph that is written in complete sentences. a. consider what you have learned about american history from the 1920s to the
Read the following excerpt from "In Another Country" by Ernest Hemingway. "The doctor told me that the major's wife, who was very young and whom he had not married until he was definitely invalided ou
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Please respond to two of the following prompts. Prompt 1 Explain the differences between primary and secondary research.Give examples of eachPrompt 2 Search for an important term in your major using t