'l.As per our discussion In class, I am pushing off the deadline to this paper but still recommend you complete It by April 15 [or Wednesday. April
A story in which the narrator is also a character uses (1 point) first-person point of view. second-person point of view. third-person limited point...
Cell phone addiction in USA, that is the Topic,so I what I need is thesis statement and three main points and support materials
Two Part Essay on Nutrition Paperpart 1: Abstract paper part 2: Final paper Nutrition for Special Populations Paper (100 points total), due 4/28/2019 Students will select a special population in whic
Please read this article below and tell me what are five steps that can be taken to protect an organization and why. (Minimum of 300 words only)...
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The president asked who was facilitating the meeting, and I replied, "It was I." The president asked who was facilitating the meeting, and I replied,...
What do you feel is the message of "We Real Cool"? How does Brooks handle the syntax in the poem?
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I need help. what is the definition of the concept deadline according to goals? please add link what is the definition of the concept value according...
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Major Writing Project 2Major Writing Project 2: Entering a Conversation (4 pages)Instructions: Choose one of the sets of essays listed below (Kelly and Gladstone together make up a "set"; Carr
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Choose a work-based activity, hobby or craft of which you are familiar. Next, create a one page, multi-step instructions on how to perform or...
hi, i am trying to look for a previous essay for assignment 1 of writing 2111F at western for the globe airlines case, but since everything is
For this paper, you will conduct an informational interview with a person working in a position, occupation, graduate school, or career field of interest to you. This individual will not be a relative
"A Modest Proposal" Strategies Assignment Directions: Answer each of the following questions, citing evidence from the text to support your response....
Part 1 (this week's provided resources):•How did the additional sources this week help you dive deeper into your topic of college student home and food insecurity? What is something new you learned
othello (iv.iii.81-98) poetic devices?
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The fields of corrections and human services have evolved to intersect with one another in order to assist in the rehabilitation of individuals involved with the correctional system. Using evidence-ba
PLEASE PLEASE NEED HELP ASAP! The first case study Maggie Scarf presents is of the Anderson family where the identified patient is 15 year old Dave.
Read story below, and answer: In the end, do you think Rostam should be considered a hero?
Identify the following three items:1. Who is your audience? Who are you persuading in your assignment? (This must be a business, government agency, or non-profit entity.) Identify the actual decision
8 page research paper on why the crime rate so high in Memphis, Tennessee. Bascially she wants us to revise our research papers and add little bit more to it. Requirements: Eight to ten pages (excludi
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Look at a narrative presented in a newspaper, magazine article, on a blog, or other website to see what main point the narrative makes and how it...
Construct one deductive and one inductive argument using the correct argument indicator words. Explain why your examples are inductive and deductive,...
There are several different formats (emails, letters, reports, slides, and more) we will study this quarter. How important is the format in
Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the
Please I need it in 12 hours News Source #1Presentation on your personal news sourceNews Source #2Select one news source owned, operated, or heavily influenced by : racial, ethnic, LGBTQ, women, or m
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Topic: reducing police brutalitySolutions: Body paragraph 1: Won’t work: bodycams. Police officers don’t use, abuse etc. Body paragraph 2: Racist cops. Solution that will work: proper training
need help with 5 pages the turn of the screw paper. write a literary analysis argument and research paper on The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. the analysis will place James’s novella in rela
Directions:A- 1. Read the case study entitled "Recurrent Cough and Expectoration for 10 Years: A Case Report."2. In the space provided, write an original analysis of the case study to include:a summar
There are two questions about those two poems, each question requires at least 120 words for answer. "Water" by Robert Lowell '' A Pity, We were such...
need this essay in 1 Hour, Double space and 2 pages 12 font Topic is "Transformational leader are born and not made" Please express your own opinion
You have been growing plants all semester and over the course of the semester some of those plants have not received enough water and have suffered. Now I want you to describe what was happening wit
Topic: Financial Literacy Your paper should include the following: 1. Introduction: Set up your paper by telling me your thesis (i.e., the point of your paper). 2. Discussion: Discuss your is
Politics refers primarily to a. disagreements that occur in social relationship. all actions of government officials. processes of organizing power....
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TEDx TalkI need a Written Preparation Outline and Audience analysis, Reference Page if you use outside sources (not required)Choose A topic Purpose: delivering an “idea worth spreading.” The idea
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due date 4/24 -- time:10pm5 paragraph structure 2-3 sentences introduction 5sen
Today, you received an invitation from the president of the school board asking you to deliver an informative speech at Everytown High School. Because students at Everytown High School are currently s
**NO PLAGIARISM**- This has to be submitted through turnitin.com**!!!Read ALL instructions carefully!!!**To complete this assignment- USE THE TEMPLATE ATTACHED. This is not a "paper".For the Critical
reduplicationthe formulation of new words through the repetition of part or all of a wordwhich occurs in many languages. The following examples from...
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Read " A Campus More Colorful Than Realiw Beware That College Brochure" https://www.npr.org/2013/12/29/257765543/a-campus-more-colorful-than-reality-beware-that-college-brochure Are you sym
Please read these assignment instructions before writing your paper as they contain very precise and specific instructions on both the content and format requirements. You should download the provided
English 2 Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 2 Case using the Formal Essay Outline.Then write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you help challenge society’s l
English 2 write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as pa
Please respond to two of your peers' initial responses. How did the monologue affect you? What did you learn about the character?
In his article, Appiah notifies us that in October 2005, the UNESCO General Conference approved a convention on the 'protection and promotion' of cultural diversity. According to Appiah, the motivat
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Please respond at least 100 words Here are a few topics listed in Opposing Viewpoints: Assisted suicide Homelessness Obesity Pick one of these topics...
English Synthesis AssignmentAssignment:You will need to choose two sources for this assignment. One of these sources must be one we have notworked with yet. After reading and annotating your sources,
Summary and Analysis of a Secondary TextIn this assignment, we continue to explore the theme of gender within short fiction with Charlotte Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." In this case, however, we wi
Any visual art related Event/exhibition/venue Possible events may include exhibitions at museums, art galleries, art fairs, public/community art. If possible attach to your paper any postcards o
Research the social realists who worked under the FSA program during the Great Depression. Write an essay in your own words that addresses the points below: 1. Describe a little about the FSA program.
Refer to page 56 in the book The Four Questions of the Outcomes Planning Wheel as well as the template linked below, and apply the case study in the lecture to the wheel and answer each question.Refer
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