Need help forming a research question and thesis based on a community-based problem for a persuasive proposal outline for a 6-8 page essay. I have an example of what they are looking for. I'm just str
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select the appropriate word for sentence define plagiarism in a paragraph
In 100 words or less, identify one secondary character from Oedipus the King and describe how he or she relates to the play's major themes.
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Choose five (5) platforms for social media marketing (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.) and write 1-2 paragraphs summarizing each and how you could use it effectively to m
Lab #2: The Original History of Halloween The requirements for the assignment are: 1. Read the article carefully 2. Summarize the article but don’t just copy it. Summaries have no quotations an
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#2: The Original History of Halloween “Halloween – Goblins and Spooks and Vampires, Oh My.” Once you find the article “summarize” it. The requirements for the assignment are: 1. Read the article
Comparative Essay Instructions (Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking, Research, & Personal Responsibility) Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two subjects (people, places, t
discussion board Using the internet or your phone, listen to the following songs: "One" by Metallica"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana"Paranoid Android" by RadioheadAfter listening to the above son
This is for a education . I have been working with children for 8 years. I am a pre- k assistant teacher. I have a bachelors degree. I am working on my master’s degree for Early Childhood Education a
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Using the Toulmin Method of Argument, make a claim about "Only Approved Indians Can Play." The claim must be bold, specific, and provable. Consider the themes we discussed in class, and focus on some
Length: Minimum of 600 words , 5 paragraphs Instructions: For this essay, you are to write on a person located within your community that you think would interest students at Hinds. This person or p
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Length: Minimum of 600 words , 5 paragraphs MLA FORMAT Instructions: For this essay, you are to write on a person or place located within your community that you think would interest students at Hin
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Length: Minimum of 600 words, 5 paragraphs MLA format Instructions: For this essay, you are to write on a person or place located within your community that you think would interest students on campu
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Current event Rubric 1 F2F (2)CriteriaRatingsPtsSourceview longer description2 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 2 ptsApplicationview longer description2 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks/ 2 ptspresentationview lo
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Analyze how Bharati Mukherjee uses allusions in her writing of "The Four Hundred Year Old Woman." Include at least two examples of allusions (aside from those listed above), and explain what she meant
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This week, you will be listening to music by Black Pop artist, Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson is a direct link between the Motown Music we listened to previously, and 1980s pop music. He came from a
Can you write me 1500-word papers (500-word for each topic)? Please find the attachment below for the assignment questions. I will provide you with the lecture notes.
Research Essay Christianity and Abortion 1700 Words
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Research Essay Essays need to be about the modern era. Questions pertaining to sexuality (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, birth control) The topic is Christianity and Abortion 1700 Words
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http://www.scientology.ca & http://www.rael.org/home Take a look at each of the websites listed above (Scientology & Raelianism). Compare and contrast the two sites highlighting the various si
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http://www.scientology.ca & http://www.rael.org/home Take a look at each of the websites listed above (Scientology & Raelianism). Compare and contrast the two sites highlighting the various si
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Consider the importance of MTV in the careers of so many musicians who rose to fame in the 1980s. For this discussion, choose either Michael Jackson or Madonna, both of whom were considered multifacet
Part 1: There are a few different ways you could approach the writing of this essay: · The thematic approach: You will choose a theme or idea that you see in the play and then make an asse
Critically analyzes TWO quotes from Julie Otsuka’s novel, When the Emperor Was Divine. There should be some kind of thematic connection between the two quotes. Explains the larger, societal message th
Write a 2-3 (minimum of 2 full pages. Use a standard professional font - 12 point Times New Roman is best, 1-inch margins, double spaced, no extra spacing) reflection on the video, The Plague. Briefly
Which ones does he use? Sight? Sound? Smell? Taste? Touch? Does this assignment fulfill the requirements of a descriptive essay? Does it have a clear thesis? What is it (give the thesis word for word
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1 page on literature analysis. the uestion is: According to DeLappe, how is the American teenage girl experience unique? To what extent do you find this portrayal of young women believable? Using two
select one of the articles provided below and engage in a 2-3 page summary and response dialogue with the source. This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source's argument and responding
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Select a DOCUMENTARY FILM/TEDTalk or PODCAST (30-60mins in length) that covers a socially relevant issue and apply a critical lens. *Subject to approval. Create Double Entry Notes for your primary sou
Essay English
english essay
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ESSAY #3 ON “TRIFLES” TOPIC AND DIRECTIONS Congratulations! Your outstanding work on earlier projects this summer has earned you the job of your dreams: Superior Court Judge of the Southern Tier of th
Write a reflection paper about your overall project, how your group worked as a team and lessons learned. Must be a minimum of 500 words. Just write 500 words explain how well team work was in the gro
Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Our dress code: at school is as follows—red or white shirts, khaki pants, and brown shoes.Our dress code: at school is as follows—red or white shirts, khaki pan
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This week, you will be listening to music that is considered “electronica.” As you have read this week, technology moved at a fast pace from the 70s all the way through to the present day. For our gu
There were stylistic differences between East Coast rappers/hip-hop artists and the West Coast rappers/gangsta rappers. Identify an artist from each of the coasts and share one of the songs (use the m
Read this passage taken from "How the Spaniards Came to Shung-opovi, How They Built a Mission, and How the Hopi Destroyed the Mission": Well, about this time the Strap Clan were ruling at Shung-opov
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Once you have selected the literary work you want to write about, you will need to select one of the Critical Lenses we have studied in this course: • Psychoanalysis • How a character’s mental state i
To view the excerpt through a historical lens, which questions should the reader ask? Select 2 options.
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i have a lot of miss work I need help asap today is the last day it’s only 3 classes
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I need this done by 10 o’clock if you do not finish in time I will not pay you I just want to pass with good grades I need your help today is the last day grades are going into the system help
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I have some missing work tomorrow’s the last day of grades getting put into the system if I do not finish I will fill the six grade. If someone can do it for me I’ll be appreciate it
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Select a DOCUMENTARY FILM/TEDTalk or PODCAST (30-60mins in length) that covers a socially relevant issue and apply a critical lens. *Subject to approval. Create Double Entry Notes for your primary sou
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EDITING WITHOUT CHANGING THE CONTENT I have wrote this paper but I want you to change the grammars and vocabulary choices At the bottom of the paper I have my work citation I want you to put it in A
How did shifting workforce demographics contribute to the dramatic changes that occurred in the US labor force and industry during and immediately after World War II?
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What does this quote mean? If bilingualism and language acquisition/dominance effects operate across all ages, then the explanatory onus would subtly move away from biology (critical hypotheses) and
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This week, you will be listening to music from the funk genre. As you have read this week, Fun is a musical trend of the late 1970s that came into music through Jazz. It referred to a simpler, more bl
For this week’s discussion, we will explore the role of gender in the hard rock, heavy metal, glam rock, disco and punk genres. Choose a “star” from one of the aforementioned genres in music (e.g., Do
When I was three and Bailey four, we had arrived in the musty little town, wearing tags on our wrists which instructed – ‘To Whom It May Concern’ – that we were Marguerite and Bailey Johnson Jr. … Neg
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Explain why American modernist writers might have perceived the world as chaotic in the early part of the 20th century. Your answer should be at least 250 words.
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