immigration policy brief.DACA Introduction (can be one paragraph or 4 separate paragraphs for each point) The Hook--Give some stat on undocumented children and the hardship they face Wh
Article Writing
Interpreting Quantitative ResultsOne common mistake new researchers make in reporting quantitative research study results is to assume that the data speaks for itself. Data by itself doesn’t mean anyt
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You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing. Greeks, Hindu, and Cuban ha
Health & Medical
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Topic Name : secure shared processingin data security Write 500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and specific. Look into the topic provided
Article Writing
Read the CHAPTER 5 AND CHAPTER 6 THEN..... This week's discussion focuses on the different actions leaders should take, given changing situations, as well as the approaches they can take to guide foll
Article Writing
Riverbend City: Microaggressions Review Riverbend City: Microaggressions and identify microaggressions that occur in the scenario. Use Chapter 2, "Taxonomy of Microaggressions," in the Sue (2010) text
Article Writing
Zero plagiarism 5 reference The adolescent population is often referred to as “young adults,” but in some ways, this is a misrepresentation. Adolescents are not children, but they are not yet adults e
Health & Medical
Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing how database auditing and monitoring fit within a SOX compliance framework. Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluat
Article Writing
Text Book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF1lHi5VsYmhxbFEKWCH-KBxyV8fnIye/view?usp=sharing Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing tha
Article Writing
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Text Book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF1lHi5VsYmhxbFEKWCH-KBxyV8fnIye/view?usp=sharing Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing tha
Article Writing
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Text Book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF1lHi5VsYmhxbFEKWCH-KBxyV8fnIye/view?usp=sharing Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing tha
Article Writing
This activity/assignment will help students understand customer evaluations, perceptions of quality and customer satisfaction. Activity: Discuss a time when exceptional customerservice solidified your
Article Writing
Using the topic you selected for the Week 1 discussion (depression in youth and teens), go to the Ashford University Library and find three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic. Do
Assume you have been selected to be the project manager for a project of your choice. The project that you use must meet the key criteria of a project. It must: Have a beginning and an end.
Social Science
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Option 1: Right to Counsel Presentation Analyze two cases involving the right to counsel and document your observations in a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker no
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Not all military trauma occurs directly from combat. More and more often it is resulting from sexual assault that occurs while serving in the military. This occurs in every manner: male to female, mal
Article Writing
Discussion Developing a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice As your EBP skills grow, you may be called upon to share your expertise with others. While EBP practice is often conducted with unique outcom
Health & Medical
Instructions The Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC) was discussed in the text and provides for a solution to manage medium and large-sized projects. Please discuss SDLC, the critical steps, and the
Information Systems
Complete Marketing Plan Assignment Part。You are now spitting away from your group. Based on the work you have already done together, you will now individually develop a strategy for the same product.
Article Writing
As an IT analyst for BallotOnline, a company providing voting solutions to a global client base, you are working to convince the organization to move the current infrastructure to the cloud. Your supe
Article Writing
(Use your own words, can be TYPED). Chapter 4: A Primer on Physical Therapy Assistant Education Read Pages 39-48 1)Summarize “PTA Education”(5pts) 2)Review Table 4-2; What is accreditation & why is i
Health & Medical
Identifying Your Group for Assignment Identify a disenfranchised racial, ethnic, religious, or cultural group whose population experiences microaggressions in U.S. society. (For example, Asian, Africa
Article Writing
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It was reported in the news that the U.S. Government spends $3.6 trillion per year to fund Social Security, Medicare, homeland defense and safety, education, transportation, and the interest on debt o
Article Writing
Answer the questions below in another Word document to construct a working thesis statement. What is the problem you will be addressing that is connected to your potential field or major? State your
The parent Company is "Ivanna Valencia" and has a void in athleisure. The target market is demanding more stay at home clothes with a modern feel Students are to bring a new product or product line to
Article Writing
Test for UnderstandingIn Week 3, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of motivation, behavior, and emotion with a test. Note that the test is designed to provide a random assortment of 1
Assignment: Mitosis, Meiosis, and Mutation All living organisms are composed of cells. Earlier in the course, you explored cell structure and function. This week, you learn about how cells replace the
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Reply 19-month old development markersBased on the CDC (2020), a 9-month-old baby should be able to do at least these things listed below as examples:Social and Emotional - May be afraid of strangers
Health & Medical
Assignment: Sensitivity TrainingEmotion has been debated, analyzed, and researched across disciplines. Emotions are universal phenomena for humans, and yet culture is very much at play in the emotiona
Discussion: Identifying and Treating Genetic Diseases Meiosis, the kind of cell reproduction in which parent cells pass genetic traits to their offspring, is typically an accurate process. Mistakes in
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In at least 500 words, reflect upon your work over the course and the work you have done on your final project.How have the past few weeks contributed to your ideas for what the future of intimacy can
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Identity ProfileThis assignment is a reflection and analysis of your personal racial, ethnic, and cultural identity. For this assignment, you will write a paper of 4–5 pages (excluding the cover page
Article Writing
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Which of the following correctly uses a semicolon? This is the third book in the series; which I really love.The author has written four other books; this is book five.After I bought the book; I star
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Briefly describe how the risk management program at the organization where you work (or at that of a typical health care organization) addresses social media and patient information privacy. Provide t
Health & Medical
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Week 3: Motivation and Emotion Across CulturesTake a moment to consider your motivation for taking this course or, more broadly, why you are pursuing an education. Perhaps you are curious about differ
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2 assignment's that need to be done. 1st assignment: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE WRITING PAPER. One page double spaced. Add one quote from the article. Write a critical view (analysis) of an opini
This assignment supposed to be in proposal assignment structure. You can check example from attachment. I need this assignment in 48 hours. Topic of assignment (It is most important part) For this ass
Article Writing
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Reply 1 2 postsRe: Topic 1 DQ 2 A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and
Health & Medical
Make sure to read the detailed instructions and the scoring guide (rubric) for Assignment 1: Impact of Economics on Daily Living.To submit your assignment, upload your completedAssignment 1 Economic I
Article Writing
Cultural Competence Profile - My Self-AssessmentConsider your responses to the 34-item self-assessment you completed in the studies section of this unit and compare them with your earlier ethnic ident
Article Writing
Consider what, in your opinion, makes a musician great. Think about what qualities we associate with greatness. These could be popularity, virtuosic talent, ability to connect with people, rebelliousn
# 37 Explain how soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol, and list at least 3 foods high in soluble fiber: Describe the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, and list at least 3 foods high in these.
Health & Medical
PART 1: Myths and misinformation surround the topic of sexual violence. For years, these myths have hung around the discourse, further muddying an already difficult topic about which to communicate. A
Article Writing
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Benchmark - Science Unit PlanFor this benchmark, you will complete and revise the “Science Unit Plan” template, integrated with health and activity, (fitness, body, physical, emotional, motor skills)
Social Science
write a short essay (at least four paragraphs) The questions will refer to the elements of literature that we have discussed such as plot/conflict, characters, speaker/point-of-view, symbolism, theme,
Course: WRK100: Preparing for the Future of Work Assignment 2: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments Due: Week 4 Points: 100 What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains Pa
Article Writing
Impact of Social Policy Choose either a nonprofit or government organization (consider using the same organization you used for Week 1, Discussion 1) and discuss the impact that social policy has had
Article Writing
Paragraph response for each 1. Read the article before answering your discussion question. This ERIC digest explains that different cultures have different views of disabilities. http://www.ericdigest
Social Science
Discussion Question: Mental illness in the community does not discriminate. It can impact women, men, young children, adolescents, the elderly, and any nationality. For this discussion, choose one pop
Health & Medical
Discussion Question: As technology in healthcare continues a shift to homecare is inevitable, safety is of utmost importance. Review the most current Patient Safety Goals for homecare found under the
Health & Medical