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1-1 Discussion: Professional and Global Ethics Welcome to PHL 218! In this first discussion, you will introduce yourself. You will then discuss current examples from the news where professional and gl

1-1 Discussion: Professional and Global Ethics

Welcome to PHL 218! In this first discussion, you will introduce yourself. You will then discuss current examples from the news where professional and global ethics would be applied. 

Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful toward your peers and instructor in your initial and response discussion posts. 

Create one initial post and respond to at least two of your classmates. 

For your initial post, address the following:

  1. First, introduce yourself to the class by sharing a bit about yourself, such as your preferred name or pronouns, where you are from, what your major is, or whatever information you feel comfortable sharing.
  2. Share a current news example of something you think is an ethical issue. What makes you think it is an ethical issue? Provide some examples in your post.
  3. How do you think this issue relates to global ethics or professional ethics? Provide examples to support your claim.

For your response posts, address the following:

  1. In response to your peer's post, what elements of the example they gave do you agree with? What do you disagree with?
  2. What ethical issues have you noticed that are similar to the example your peer shared?

Remember, your contributions to the discussion play an important part in building the classroom learning community. This assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) for each. 

Brightspace allows the addition of video notes in discussion posts. You may use the Video Note tool to complete this assignment. Written posts are equally acceptable. If you use Video Note, your video should be 2–5 minutes long. If you need assistance using Video Note, please refer to the resources in the Start Here module.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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